What would you do if there was a stranger at your door?
Do not open the door, let them know someone is there by saying who is it, or who's there, do not say that you are home alone, if they don't leave or you feel uncomfortable, call 911 and a neighbor or parents
What would you do if you were toasting bread and a shower of blue Sparks and thick smoking from the outlet?
Turn off and or unplug the toaster if you can, use a fire extinguisher if there is one, get out and close the door behind you, call 911
You are walking to school and a car pulls along side of you. They ask you about a certain address. When you don't answer they become upset and yell at you to get in the car to help them.
Do not stop walking or answer, keep moving and stay away, if they go away, write down license plate or information about the car and give the information to an adult, they they follow you, go to a house that looks occupied to tell an adult and call 911
What would you do if your pet got sick while you were out?
Look for something you dog might have gotten into, call your vet or adults to tell them, if they didn't get into anything, let the dog rest and do not give them food but can give fresh water, clean up the mess
What would you do if you wake up in the middle of the night and you smell smoke?
Shout to wake up others, feel your door if it is closed-if it's hot-don't open it. If your door is open and you see fire or feel heat-don't goes towards it-close your door, exit through a window if you can, wait for help if you can't go out a window and stay by the window, place towels or sheets at the base of the door, if you don't see flames, leave and cover your mouth with a shirt, call 911 if you can, go to your meeting spot
An older kids corners you on the playground and threatens to beat you up if you don't give him your lunch money.
Tell an adult if they are close, ignore the student, don't give him money, if he takes the money report the incident and information about the student.
What would you do if you started to feel sick on the way home from school?
Call a parent and tell them, do not take anything unless your parent tells you to, drink water, get into bed, rest and try to sleep
What would you do if you noticed a fire next door?
Call 911, alert your neighbors by calling, once the fireman come let them know about any information that you might know(where/when you saw the flames, who lives there, how many people live there, where bedrooms are, if there are pets, if they work and when)
What would you do if there is a blackout?(lights/power goes out)?
See if lights are out all over house or just in one spot, call an adult to tell them, do not try to figure out the problem, if lights are out on your street, it's a blackout and chances are it will return soon, look for/use flashlights, be careful moving around if it is a complete blackout, refrain from keeping the refrigerator door open for long periods of time to keep food cold
What would you do if there was a natural gas leak?(smells like rotten eggs)