Camper Drama
Counselor Drama
What do you do if your camper has special food diets like gluten free, dairy free, allergies...?
Make sure that they get the correct meal. Gluten free meal is in the tent. Ask your D.H. to locate the special dairy free meals. With certain kids with special meal issues check with your D.H. they will assign you.
What would you do if your camper is refusing to shower?
Options include: Find out the reason (are they modest, etc.) and create an option for them such as alternate time to shower or wear a bathing suit.
What do you do when a camper is obviously looking left out or not "bonding" with anyone?
Read file to see if this is their typical behavior. Find out what they like. Pair with other camper that might have same interest and then fade out. Do more ice breakers/ bunk bonding activities because other campers might need that too. Make sure you don't feel sorry for them and create an extra neediness on you so they don't want to bond with the kids. BOUNDARIES.
What happens when you don't like a counselor you live with?
You won't always like your co-workers no matter what job you have. Be professional, Be respectful. You don't have to be friends but present to the kids that you get along. It's about the kids. However, if the co-counselor is being hurtful , we are here to mediate or to help you.
How do you unblock a stuffed up toilet?
Get a plunger. Push down, hold down in the hole. Pull up and do this several times until the water starts going down. Worse yet, get this object called a snake and use it. Also, tell our office if that doesn't work.
How do you get a camper to brush their teeth?
Make it a check in as part of the routine. Make it a game if need be? Check their toothbrush without them knowing don't just rely on their " I did it" answer.
What do you do if a camper is giving you a silent treatment?
Let them know that you are there to talk when they are ready. Reach out a couple of times but don't reward and naturally engage them in other activities. Get campers to engage them in fun activities. If it is short lived, don't argue or take it personally.
What do you do, if a camper is homesick?
Try to distract the camper, focus on anything positive at camp or an activity. Tell them its normal. They can write home, ( watch what they write before they mail. Tell them that the family wants to hear positive things. Give suggestions. DONT PROMISE THEM THEY CAN CALL HOME. If it continues, you have your SC/DH and Karen as a resource
What do I do if one of my counselors if not pulling their weight with helping out in the bunk. They are always late, disappearing, or socializing?
Nicely talk with them but if that doesn't work, don't complain to other counselors. Go directly to your SC or DH. If you still feel there is a problem or not comfortable, Karen can get involved too as a resource but always your DH first
How do I get to town and what is there to do?
There is a cab/ taxi service available. The number is written on the CLC office board outside on their porch. Grab some other counselors and chip in or some staff have cars and pay them gas money. Lots of stuff to do like Walmart, movies, hotels, Chinese buffet, Mcdonalds, waterfalls...
Your camper is not following directions, what do you do if they are low functioning?
If they are low functioning, give very simple, and specific directives ( please make your bed NOW) one directive at a time. Countdown. 5 minute warnings... 3 min... 1 min... we have to go now. Focus on positive. Reward with compliment. Check in with Karen if it continues. May be lower than you think.
What do you do if a relationship is forming between campers... boyfriend/ girlfriends...?
It is part of normal development. However,we do not encourage "hooking up" or arrange for dating. We set boundaries and promote healthy peer socialization and interaction skills. Our kids have no clue. If too much drama DEVELOPS we need to use our staff support resources to intervene ( SC, DH, Karen... )
What if a camper or I am feeling sick in the middle of the night?
If they are vomiting or feel like they have a fever.... wake up your DH and they will let the Super OD know. ( Karen, Aryn, Beth, and Bonnie)
What do you do when a camper is refusing to eat any food or eats limited food?
Find out if they are feeling ok. Talk to them about some of their food likes and dislikes. Monitor eating habits and speak with the S.C. / D.H.
What do you do if your high functioning camper isn't following directions?
If they are high functioning, still give very simple, and specific directives (It's time to clean up NOW) if they argue remind them about electronic time and things they can earn. Transitions are still hard so, 5 minute warnings... are still warranted. Focus on positive. Reward with compliment. Check in with Karen if it continues. May be lower than you think.
What do you do if rumors and gossip starts in the bunk between campers?
This is considered bullying. Find out who is involved. Report suspicions to SC/ DH. Keep them calm. I will look into it. Discuss coping strategies. Distract by moving seat , join another table, thanks for letting me know... Encourage them to spend more time with other kids, meet a new camper. personal time outs. There may need to be a mediation by DH or Karen, Bunk meeting or bullying talk with Karen.
What if you see a counselor being mean to a camper?
Talk to them, Offer them a time out. Step in offering a break. However, if they hit, push, get physical or curse at the camper , let your DH know. It is not acceptable under any circumstance.
What do we do if we want to change days off?
Discuss with your D.H.
What do you do when the camper walks out of the tent during meals?
Make sure that your co-counselors are watching the other campers. Let the SC/DH know . Keep eye on the camper and decide who will be with the camper who left. This is the a time that some emotions come out for our campers.
What do you do with the camper that wont's return the electronics after the designated use time?
Persuasion but no bargaining can be useful. Positive rewards for following directions and doing what they are supposed to do. Remind them you are following NJY camp policy ( Nah Jee Wah and CLC) If it gets bad, consult with SC/DH/ Karen... Never threaten but you can let them know it will be dealt with. No power struggles.
What do you do when a camper is constantly " drama" and emotionally up and down in emotions?
This can be draining on a counselor. Tag team and rotate who will be focused on the camper when. Take turns. If it continues make sure Karen knows and your upper staff. Safety first but you can let them know you are there for them and set some limits. Distract them too.
What do I do if I am miserable at camp?
First and foremost, everyone will have their moments when you get overwhelmed and may feel that way. Please understand this. Talk to us. We are here for you. You have your co-counselors but more important misery loves company and we want everyone to continue to be there for the campers. If you have a need .... talk to us. Karen, Bonnie, Beth, Aryn.... your DHs. We will help you get what you need