True or False: Nurture has a much bigger effect on brain development rather than nature.
False: Both nature and nurture play very important roles in brain development.
Name two activities that could build gross motor skills.
An infant being held in a standing position. Toddler catching and throwing a large ball. A preschooler learning to gallop.
True or false: A child's first language skills appear about the age of 9 months
False: Babies are aware of language before birth. A newborn will soon turn toward a voice. Different cries show different needs.
False: A newborn's cry is a request to have a need met. Responding with comfort and love builds attachment. Attachment sets the stage for future healthy brain development.
True or false:
Children learn through play.
They make discoveries, build understanding, experiment, and adjust what they know. Little scientists
Tell something about the "Head to Toe" development concept.
Answers will vary.
Name two activities you could do with your child to encourage fine motor skill development.
String beads, draw with markers,
Name something you can do as you read a book with your child that multiplies the experience.
Use a silly voice. emphasize the rhyming word, ask open ended questions. ask about their favorite part, reread their favorite part, read a book many times...
True or false: One of the ways children learn to handle emotions is by observing others.
True: As with many other skills, how grown ups model handling emotions is a learning opportunity for little people.
What individual trait can make a big difference in how a child approaches a new learning situation?
You can think of the domains like
people in a car. There may be four
in the car, but _____________ ( Fill in the blank)
...only on of them is
driving at any given time.
What parts of the body are considered the fine motor skill muscles and nerves?
fingers, toes, eyes, ears, mouth
What is the single most valuable activity you can participate in with your child that builds language skills
Reading books together
Name something you can do to calm a child with big emotions.
Answers will vary.
Connect and redirect
Name it to tame it.
True or false:
Memorizing is one of the higher forms of learning.
Knowing many aspects of a particular concept is higher order knowledge. That is deeper than the name of something. Understanding what three object look like and that three is more than two is a deeper understanding than being able to say that the digit 3 is called three.
Give an example of the learning support called scaffolding.
Answers will vary.
Holding a bike upright as a child learns to pedal without training wheels.
Help hold the paper as a child learns to use scissors.
What parts of the body are considered gross motor muscles?
Legs, torso, arms
Name two hands-on activities you can provide for your child that will build language skills.
Any activity that includes conversation, questions, songs, fun and funny language, to name a few.
Discipline means a child is ______________.
•Discipline means learning.
•Learning a different behavior, especially in a situation that brings up big emotions.
•Realizing that the downstairs brain can’t learn well is key to discipline.
•Use calming strategies to help return to the “upstairs” brain first.
•Once calm, teach and practice appropriate responses to difficult situations.
Fill in the blank.
How your child ______
is as important
as _______ your child learns.
How your child learns
is as important
as what your child learns.
Tell something about how the learning support called scaffolding works.
Scaffolding starts with a lot of support for a new skill being learned.
Scaffolding offers less support as time with the new skill progresses.
Name the two sub categorize in the motor development domain.
gross motor and fine motor
Language development is divided into two parts. Name the two categories and explain them.
Expressive, what we say or sign, the language that a individual produces. Also known as production language.
Receptive, the language we receive from others and the ability to understand. This includes spoken language as well as facial expressions, body language and voice intonations. This is also known as language comprehension
When a child is emotional and the situation needs discipline, what is the first thing that needs to happen?
The big emotions need to be soothed. No brain learns well when it is operating from the "downstairs" or emotional part.
Fill in the blank:
Children learn through hands-on experiences,
their environment,
relationships and ______.
Repetition, doing it again and again and again.