OG Colonizers
The OG Breakup: Revolution Edition
We The People (and Drama)
That Escalated Quickly
Rebuilding: Like a 19th Century HGTV Show

This squad was the first to set up camp in North America in 1607, basically becoming the colony version of influencers.

What is Jamestown


This 1765 tax on paper was basically Britain's way of saying, “Let’s see how much we can annoy the colonists.

What is the Stamp Act


This document, signed in 1787, was like upgrading your phone’s operating system, but for the government.

What is the U.S. Constitution


This 1850 law said, “If you see a runaway slave, you better snitch” – spoiler: people weren’t happy about it.

  • What is the Fugitive Slave Act

This guy took over as president after Lincoln’s assassination and wasn’t exactly the star of Reconstruction.

  • Who is Andrew Johnson?

The Pilgrims signed this document in 1620 because they needed a group project contract for survival.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


The American Revolution kicked off in 1775 with shots fired in these two towns – think of them as the opening acts to the main event.

What are Lexington and Concord


These first ten add-ons in 1791 made sure people got the basic rights, like freedom of speech—and memes.

What is the Bill of Rights


This 1852 bestseller by Harriet Beecher Stowe had everyone talking about slavery and even made the South throw some serious side-eye.

  • What is Uncle Tom’s Cabin?

These laws were basically the South’s way of saying, “Yeah, we’re still not cool with giving African Americans rights.”

  • What are Black Codes?

The cash crop that had Virginia settlers feeling rich before "crop tops" were even a thing.

What is tobacco


This 1776 pamphlet was basically a viral post telling the British, “It’s not me, it’s you.”

What is Common Sense


his founding father wasn’t throwing away his shot – he became the first Treasury Secretary and had some beef about a national bank.

Who is Alexander Hamilton


his act in 1854 let Kansas and Nebraska do their own thing with slavery, but things got really messy, really fast.

  • What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

 This amendment in 1865 officially made slavery illegal, which was a pretty big deal.

  • What is the 13th Amendment?

This group came to Massachusetts to practice their religion freely and roast everyone else's.

What are the Puritans


This battle in 1777 had the colonies saying, “We’re not just throwing tea in harbors, we can actually win.

What is the Battle of Saratoga


This 1803 land deal made Thomas Jefferson swipe right on half the continent.

What is the Louisiana Purchase?


In 1857, the Supreme Court ruled that this man didn’t have rights, which made everything even more awkward in the run-up to war.

What is the Dred Scott decision


The Reconstruction Act of 1867 said, “Hey, Southern states, you need to pass this amendment before you can rejoin the squad.”

  • What is the 14th Amendment?

This war in 1675 showed that even the colonies had beef with their neighbors – Native Americans in this case.

What is King Philip’s War


The American Revolution wrapped up with this treaty in 1783, like signing off the longest text argument in history.

What is the Treaty of Paris


This Supreme Court case in 1803 basically gave the court superpowers with something called judicial review.

  • What is Marbury v. Madison?

This guy thought he could start a slave uprising by raiding Harpers Ferry in 1859, and well, it didn’t go as planned.

  • Who is John Brown?

This organization was set up in 1865 to help freed slaves get their lives back together with things like food, schooling, and legal help.

  • What is the Freedmen’s Bureau?