My birthday
What is May 1
The most common last name for white people
What is smith
This artist bleach his skin
Who is Michael Jackson
This person had a dream
Who is Martin Luther King Jr.
This movie has a ogre falling in love with a princess
What is Shrek
I was this person main chambelan
Who is Dalia
Harry _____ is a wizard
What is potter
This artist's 2022 Album is called "Un Verano Sin Ti"
Who is Bad Bunny
This Actor was the protagonist in creed
Who is Michael B. Jordan
In High School Musical this is the color of Gabriella's shirt she was wearing when she first sang with Troy?
What is Light Blue
This person I knew since kindergarten and is my best friend to this day
Who is Edgar
Charlie _____ wears a strip yellow and black shirt
What is brown
"Never knew what I was missin'
But I knew once we start kissin'" is a lyric from this 2005 song
What is love by Keyshia Cole
This athlete played for the Cleveland Cavaliers, L. A Lakers and Miami Heat
Who is LeBron James
This movie is where Spider-Man makes his first appearance in the MCU?
What is Captain America: Civil War
I say this persons name when I don't know what to say
Who is Beyoncé or Michael Jackson
Obama’s last name
What is Obama
Peter Gene Hernandez stage name
Who is Bruno mars
A 2017 film was directed by this person, addresses issues of race in America through a horror-thriller narrative
Who is Jordan peele
The years the genie was stuck in Aladdin’s lamp
What is 10,000 years
The Grade I got my first detention
What is 11th grade or Junior year
This used to be all of ours mothers last name
What is Diaz
This Artist was born June 7, 1958 and passed away April 21, 2016
Who is Prince
This person nickname is “The greatest”
Who is Muhammad Ali
This movie has two disgraced FBI agents go way undercover in an effort to protect the Wilson Sisters from a kidnapping plot.
What is White Chicks