Mic 1, Mic 2, DJ, Hype
How many tents are in the pep rally?
True or False: Teachers can earn prizes.
True! They can earn amazon gift cards!
What's the first thing you should do when you get on campus?
5 minute meeting with your team
Name 2 games you can play with younger students to stall before the pep rally starts
Simon says, red light green light yellow light, Freeze dance
What should you try to set up first?
True or False: If it is an EVENT school, the PL leaves their contact information so that if any problem arises, the school can contact them.
FALSE- leave the information of the PC.
Front desk lady!
Who voiced the robot in the pep rally?
Katherine Waken
Name 3 potential disasters from a pep rally
something falls, prize flies into the audience and hits a student, etc.
Who leads the teacher meeting?
The PL! (however- if you're a PA and want a stretch assignment- let us know!)
What MUST be set up by carline?
Carline signs, PNO flag, banner
Name 3 different tactics for crowd control
Raise your hands, if you can hear my voice, catch a bubble, etc.
Briefly describe how to link the cords from the speakers to the Sound Box
(Jakin tell us if that is right)
What are the 3 major things to communicate from the teacher meeting?
The Teacher Roles
If you have a morning pep rally at 8 am, what time should you arrive at the school?
around 6-6:30 am
Name 4 prizes available this year
Mindspark gears, spin copter, headband, bungee rocket, crush bottle, boomerang ball, scooter
Do you wear khaki shorts or jeans to the pep rally?
TRICK QUESTION: It's the PLs decision!
Name the 6 things that should be READY TO GO before your teacher meeting
Snacks, T shirts, Teacher Kits w Label, Teacher Handouts, Keynote, and Block Rocker
Name 7 things you must do during pep rally day that does NOT include the set up, performance, or breakdown of the pep rally or teacher meeting?
I don't want to type this all out- check the checklist!