Positive effects
Negative effects

What economic crisis led to the creation of Social Security in the United States?

The Great Depression


In what year did FDR sign the Social Security Act into law?



Besides retirement benefits, what is another type of financial support provided by Social Security?

Unemployment insurance, disability benefits, and aid for dependent children.


How did the Social Security Act negatively impact low-income workers?

The payroll tax system initially provided limited benefits to low-income and part-time workers because it required a certain minimum earnings to qualify for benefits


What was the overall legacy of the Social Security Act?

It provided a safety net for the elderly, unemployed, and impoverished communities, helping to reduce poverty. Today, the Social Security's framework laid the groundwork to help establish programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and disability insurance.


What was the primary motivation for implementing the Social Security Act?

To provide economic security for vulnerable populations in response to the Great Depression. 


In what year did Social Security begin collecting payroll taxes, and when were the first monthly payments issued to retirees?

Social Security began collecting payroll taxes in 1937, and the first monthly retirement payments were issued in 1940. To become eligible for Social Security, workers completed an application at their local post office and received a national identity card with a unique, nine-digit identification number


How did the Social Security Act benefit states in terms of financial support and program expansion?

Provided states with federal funding to establish and expand unemployment insurance and aid dependent children.


Which group was initially excluded from Social Security benefits when the program was first established in 1935?

Agricultural workers and domestic workers were initially excluded from Social Security benefits.


What is Will Stewart's SSN?



In what ways did FDR plan to implement the act nationwide?

By establishing a federally managed system funded through payroll taxes collected from workers and employers and creating the Social Security Board (SSB) to oversee enrollment, tax collection, and benefit distribution across all states. 


Who received the first-ever monthly Social Security payment, and how much was it?

Ida May Fuller received the first-ever monthly Social Security payment on January 31, 1940, for $22.54. ($508.12 today)


How did the Social Security Act lay the foundation for future social welfare programs in the United States?

Helped establish the first federal social insurance program, which helped the creation of initiatives such as Medicare, Medicaid, and disability benefits.


How did the Social Security Act's initial payroll tax system affect women in relation to their role in the workforce during the 1930s?

Disproportionately affected women because it tied benefits to lifetime earnings, and since many women were employed in lower-paying jobs or had interrupted work due to caregiving roles, they often received smaller benefits


What modern day teacher has the best cookies?

Mr. Monahan

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