What does having good hygiene mean?
Staying healthy and clean.
What three items do you need to brush your teeth?
Tooth brush, Tooth paste, floss
What song can we use to time how long to wash our hands?
Happy birthday
If you wore a pair of pants on Monday, can you wear them again that week without washing them first?
No. Put it in the laundry
How can I stay clean?
Take shower, wash your body everyday
How many days should you wear the same clothes before washing them?
One day.
How many times a day should you brush your teeth?
At least twice a day.
Name 2 times when you should wash your hands.
Can be any 2: Before eating food, Before and after caring for someone who is sick, Before and after treating a cut or wound, After using the toilet, After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste, After touching garbage
How do you sort laundry?
by lights and darks
You just played in a soccer game. You don't need to take a shower right?
Wrong! You should always shower after you play.
How many times a week should you shower?
7-once a day
How long should you brush your teeth for?
2 minutes
What part of the hands do most people ignore when they wash them?
under their finger nails
Where should we put our dirty clothes
In the laundry basket
What are the four major areas you should not forget to wash?
Behind your ears, armpits, private area, and feet
True or False. You need to wash your hair every day.
False. it's recommended to wash your hair every 2-3 days or once a week-depending on your hair texture (curly versus straight hair).
True or False? We only need to brush our teeth at night?
FALSE. We should brush our teeth in the morning and at night and whenever we might need to.
What can you use to clean your hands if soap and water is not available?
hand sanitizer
How often should you wash your bed sheet and pillow cases?
once a week
what are some things you should make sure are in the bathroom before you get in the shower?
True or False, body spray can be used instead of deodorant?
False. Deodorant should be applied at least once a day and body spray is not necessary, but you can put on WITH deodorant
What three parts of the teeth should you brush?
front, back, and sides
How can you keep your hands clean when you sneeze? and what should you do after you sneeze?
Sneeze into the inside of your elbow or a tissue.
Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer
True or false: it is ok to wear your socks for more than one day
Can others smell you when you do not take showers?