Variables whose values are distinct and separate from one another
What is discrete variable?
Type of variable in which the values of data are categorized
What is qualitative/categorical variable?
Values that only have two options
What is binary variable?
also accept: What is dichotomous variable?
Ex. Number of patients seen in a day
What is a discrete variable?
Variables whose values are measurable, within a range, or infinite
What is a continuous variable?
Values that have ranked order
What is ordinal variable?
Ex. Yes/No/Maybe/Not Sure
What is multiple categories/nominal data?
Ex. Age of a patient
What is a continuous variable?
also accept: What is a ratio scale?
T/F: Qualitative data can not have numeric values
Ex. Class grades on midterm (A, B, C, D, F)
What is ordinal variable?
*****Ex. Seattle & King County Food Safety Rating
What is ordinal variable?
T/F: With continuous variables, differences between values are quantified
T/F: Binary variables must be recoded into 0/1's?
Ex. Dice roll (1-6)
What is discrete variable?