Who am I
Forms and Disclosures
Which tech to Use?
Where do I find...
You Should Know

The person you call when your Aunt wants to sell her house in Oregon and move to South Dakota

Who is Kathy Stepulaitis 


What form needs to be submitted with new Sales

What is an STR?


Postcards are sent thru which platform?

What is ExpressDocs


This company that will run a targeted personalized video campaign for an agent on streaming sites such as Netflix, Hulu and HBO Max for as little as $50/month.

What is Chalk Digital - ATV

They have premade videos you can use or you can upload your own.


Property cannot be sold or shown in this status

What is Coming Soon?


The person I call when the Client I have been working with for 2 years decides she wants to rent...

Shelby Short


What disclosure is required in your loop if the home is built prior to 1978

Lead Based Paint Addendum


To find buyer and seller packets to customize, where do you go?

What is MC+


The place I go to set up a schedule for the next few months to send out my social media posts automatically.

What is SOCI - through the Resource Center


One is to repair damage to the structure...the other is to repair mechanical systems in the house

What is Homeowners Insurance and Home Warranty


I am who you need to call to get access to the printer

Who is Kevin Atkinson


Must be filled out as you submit a listing loop

What is the Listing Worksheet

When I am having a tech issue, where do I send?

What is webhelp@floridanetworkrealty


Where to find 

Our Brokerage's Commission Offered on Listings?

On Our Website, Simply Search the Property


Name 2 electronic ways a buyer can deposit a binder.

What is a wire and Earnest


You would call me if your client would like help with property insurance

Who is Dylan Leitman


What are the required forms for MOST loops you submit?

What is the Listing and Sales Disclosure, Affiliated Business Disclosure, Anti-fraud


If I wanted to send an e-card to announce a new listing, where do I go?

What is the ReSource Center?


In the Closet Behind Megan's Desk

Where to Find Open House Signs, Lockboxes, Sign Riders


You Must SUBMIT this to your Admin within 3 days of Buyers signing.

What is the Buyer-Broker Agreement


I am the one that sends you your commission statements

Mary Grimes


You fill this out to get your escrow disbursement

Escrow Disbursement Form


Where to go to order business cards, name badges, etc

What is Markful


If I want to see what classes are being, or where Chuck is, I need to go...

The Company Calendar in AE


Name the 4 types of marketing materials that are sent through Autoflow

E-Card, Postcard, Newsletter and Digital Gift