It’s Gettin’ Hot in Here
Muggle Studies
My dad got laid off when his position at the factory was automated. Pretty much all factory jobs will be performed by robots in the future.
What is an example of anecdotal evidence?
A longitudinal study of 269 New Zealanders found that people who reported knowing more about global warming are more likely to be concerned about global warming and therefore more likely to change their behaviors. Therefore educating people about global warming will change their behavior.

Milfont, Taciano L. "The Interplay Between Knowledge, Perceived Efficacy, And Concern About Global Warming And Climate Change: A One-Year Longitudinal Study." Risk Analysis: An International Journal 32.6 (2012): 1003-1020. Business Source Premier. Web. 4 June 2014.

What is an example of non-generalizable research?
According to a peer-reviewed study of over 500,000 children which compared those who had received the MMR vaccine to those who had not received the MMR vaccine, there is strong evidence against the hypothesis that the MMR vaccine causes autism.

Madsen KM, et al., New England Journal of Medicine. 2002; 347(19): 1477-82.

What is an example of research-based evidence?
Children should be discouraged from reading Harry Potter because the books portray the practice of witchcraft in a positive light.
What is an example of a belief?
My uncle met my aunt on, and they’ve been happily married for 10 years. Internet dating totally works.
What is an example of anecdotal evidence?
Researchers in Europe developed a testing protocol using two robots that suggests that a common measure of human motor skills can be used to compare the motor skills of all robots. Using this same protocol, I can compare two robots and determine which one will do the task it is programmed to do with the greatest efficiency.

Hsien-I, L., & Lee, C. (2013). Measurement of the Robot Motor Capability of a Robot Motor System: A Fitts's-Law-Inspired Approach. Sensors (14248220), 13(7), 8412-8430. doi:10.3390/s130708412

What is an example of non-generalizable research?
My turning off lights and driving less will reduce the effects of global warming.
What is an example of a belief?
Everyone in my family received the MMR vaccine, and none of us have autism. Vaccines do not cause autism.
What is an example of anecdotal evidence?
As evidenced by Irma Pince in the Hogwarts library, librarians are cranky old ladies who don’t want you to touch their books.
What is an example of non-generalizable research?
According to a study of 54 online dating profile photos, independent judges determined that 1/3 of the photos misrepresented the user. Research shows that people usually pick accurate photos for online dating profiles.

Hancock, J. T., & Toma, C. L. (2009). Putting your best face forward: The accuracy of online dating photographs. Journal of Communication, 59(2), 367-386
What is an example of non-generalizable research?
Installing or upgrading a robotic system is a costly endeavor and businesses need to be careful that the software development process does not overshadow the architectural development process. Using interviews, surveys, and workshops to gather information researchers were able to perform a root cause analysis to determine the four main reasons architectural development is neglected in robotic systems and proposed five solutions that should be implemented during the development of software intensive systems.

Wallin, Peter, et al. "Problems And Their Mitigation In System And Software Architecting." Information & Software Technology 54.7 (2012): 686-700. Business Source Premier. Web. 4 June 2014.

What is an example of research-based evidence?
The last two winters have been extremely cold, therefore global warming is a myth.
What is an example of anecdotal evidence?
I refuse to vaccinate my children because Big Pharma puts additives in vaccines that cause diseases that then require the medication that Big Pharma produces at a significant profit.
What is an example of a belief?
Harry Potter teaches the importance of individuality as evidenced by this quote from the first volume, “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”

Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. New York: Arthur A. Levine Books, 1998.
What is an example of research-based evidence?
Only sad, lonely spinsters and people looking for hookups use internet dating sites.
What is an example of a belief?
Robots can perform jobs much more efficiently than people can because their emotions don’t get in the way.
What is an example of a belief?
To study how predator-prey interactions will be affected by global warming, researchers set up a common garden warming experiment using Ischnura elegans damselfly predators and Daphnia magna zooplankton prey from three source latitudes spanning >1500 km. The results indicate that the prey species adapted to their new environment, but also suggest that the effects of invasive species will be latitude specific.

Block, Marjan, et al. "Local Genetic Adaptation Generates Latitude-Specific Effects Of Warming On Predator-Prey Interactions." Global Change Biology 19.3 (2013): 689-696. GreenFILE. Web. 4 June 2014.

What is an example of research-based evidence?
A study found that B cells can play a role in virus protection independent of antibodies. Therefore, vaccinations (which use anitbodies) are not necessary!

Khanna, K. M. & Lefrançois, L. (2012). “B cells, not just for antibodies anymore.” Immunity, 36(3), 315–317.

What is an example of non-generalizable research?
The reviews on say the Harry Potter movies aren’t as good as the books; 34 million reviewers can’t be wrong.
What is an example of anecdotal evidence?
According to the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, the proportion of Americans who say that they met their current partner online has doubled in the last eight years.
What is an example of research-based evidence?