Main Idea 1
Main Idea 2
Main Idea 3
Main Idea 4
Main Idea 5

There are about 2,000 kinds of bats. They come in many sizes. Bats are rather strange looking animals. They are soft and furry with large ears. Bats cannot run or walk. They usually eat insects. Bats are the only mammals that fly. What is the main idea? 

A)Bats are unusual mammals.
B)Bats move by running and flying.
C)Bats look like many other animals

A)Bats are unusual mammals


A very important food for a large number of people is bread. Bread is made from many different kinds of grains. Americans eat bread mostly made from wheat. Bread is important to us because it is a good source of energy. What is the main idea? 

A)There are few kinds of bread.
B)The best kind of bread is made from wheat.
C)Bread is an important food source.

C) Bread is an important food source.


One of the worst household pests in the world is the cockroach. It can eat every kind of food. They are a health hazard, as they spread disease and germs. The cockroach has lived for millions of years. They have changed very little over that time period. What is the main idea? 

A)There is no easy way to kill cockroaches.
B)Cockroaches have existed for a long time.
C)Cockroaches often bite people.

B) Cockroaches have existed for a long time.


The fruit that grows in more parts of the world than any other is the apple. Apples can be eaten raw or can be cooked. Applesauce, apple butter, and apple cider are three popular apple treats. The United States is a leading apple producer. What is the main idea? 

A)Eat at least one apple a day.
B)The apple is the world's most common fruit.
C)Apples are hard to grow.

B)The apple is the world's most common fruit.


One of the most welcome sights in the desert is the cactus. The cactus is a plant that can store large amounts of water. It has thick, tough skin to keep the water in. There are many kinds of cacti. Some grow as tall as 50 feet. What is the main idea? 

A)The cactus grows in most parts of the world.
B)The cactus is a beautiful-looking plant.
C)The cactus is designed for storing water.

C)The cactus is designed for storing water.


Cats are a popular house pet. Cats come in a variety of colors. Some cats have long hair and some have short. There are cats that have no tails. Cats can have eyes of many different colors. A cat can be a solid color, more than one color, or striped. What is the main idea? 

A)Cats make the best house pet.
B)Cats are very similar.
C)There is much variety in the cat family.

C) There is much variety in the cat family.


Florida is known for its sunshine and flowers. Florida is known for other things as well. Many of the fruits we eat are grown in Florida. Examples are the grapefruit and orange. In fact, Florida grows more of these two fruits that any other state. What is the main idea? 

A)Disney World makes Florida important.
B)Florida is known for many reasons.
C)Florida is a very large state.

B) Florida is known for many reasons.


Vincent had a very unusual ride in a special type of airplane called a seaplane. A seaplane can fly like a regular plane, but it takes off and lands in water. Vincent took only a short ride in the seaplane, but he would like to do it again soon. What is the main idea? 

A) A seaplane can land anywhere.
B) A seaplane is like any other plane.
C)A seaplane can take off and land in water.

C) A seaplane can take off and land in water.


Chuck went on a special vacation last summer. He stayed at a ranch for two weeks. During this time, Chuck got to do lots of things he imagined a cowboy might do. He went horseback riding every day. He learned how to use a lasso and even tried to rope a cow. What is the main idea? 

A)Chuck decides to be a cowboy.
B)Chuck had a sample of cowboy life.
C)Chuck will return to the ranch next year.

B)Chuck had a sample of cowboy life.


Fish come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. Some fish live in fresh water and some live in salt water. There are more than 20,000 kinds of fish. Most fish hatch from eggs. Fish have backbones and breathe underwater through gills. What is the main idea?

A)Some fish are very beautiful.
B)There are many kinds of fish.
C)Most fish live in salt water.

B)There are many kinds of fish.


The person who leads a marching band is called the drum major. This person wears a special costume with a very tall hat. The job of the drum major is to give the band the beat of the music. The drum major uses a whistle and a baton to signal steps in the march. What is the main idea? 

A) The drum major is important to the marching band.
B)The drum major must be tall so that everybody can see him.
C)Only a boy can be a drum major.

A)The drum major is important to the marching band.


Lynn's first trip in an airplane was exciting. She was flying from California to New York to see her grandparents. The plane was a 747 jumbo jet. Lynn liked the inside of the plane. It was very comfortable. Lynn enjoyed the trip but was glad to get back down on the ground. What is the main idea? 

A)Lynn disliked the airplane trip.
B)The airplane trip was enjoyable to Lynn.
C)Airplane trips are always fun for everyone.

B)The airplane trip was enjoyable to Lynn.


The crop that gives the most food to humans and animals in the United States is corn. Most of the corn grown is for use as animal feed. The farmers of the United States produce about one half of all the corn grown in the world. What is the main idea?

A)Corn is grown as food for humans and animals.
B)Corn is grown all over the world.
C) Corn is important as it is used for many things.

A)Corn is grown as food for humans and animals.


Memorial Day is a holiday that began as a day for remembering the soldiers and sailors of the Civil War. Today we honor all the soldiers who died in wars. There are parades and special ceremonies on Memorial Day. It is the only federal holiday in May. What is the main idea? 

A)Memorial Day is like any other day.
B)Memorial Day honors all soldiers who died.
C)There are several federal holidays in May.

B)Memorial Day honors all soldiers who died.


Ted was going to go clamming. That meant he would go to the bay and dig for clams. Sometimes it can be hard to find clams, but Ted knew a special area of the bay where there were many. He put his clam rake and bucket by the door so he wouldn't forget them in the morning. What is the main idea? 

A) Clams are easy to catch.
B)Clam chowder is the best soup.
C)Ted will go clamming in the bay.

C) Ted will go clamming in the bay.


Perhaps one of the largest flowers grown is the sunflower. These giants grow up to 10 feet high. The flower itself is very large. It gets its name from the way it follows the sun. The face of the flower moves from east to west so that it is always facing the sun. What is the main idea? 

A)To tell how the sunflower got its name.
B)To describe the importance of the sunflower.
C)To discuss large flowers.

A) To tell how the sunflower got its name.


Jack is going to a hockey game next week to see his favorite team. Jack knows that ice hockey is one of the fastest of all sports. It is played between two teams. Each team has six players. The players wear ice skates, helmets, protective padding, and carry a hockey stick. Jack hopes his team will win. What is the main idea? 

A)Ice hockey is an individual sport.
B)Ice hockey is a fast team sport.
C)Ice hockey is an unpopular sport.

B) Ice hockey is a fast team sport.


The largest bird is the ostrich. This bird is unable to fly. It can run as fast as a horse. The ostrich makes use of its feet and legs to protect itself. It kicks its enemies. Ostriches eat insects, mice, and snakes. What is the main idea? 

A)To describe the smallest bird.
B)To describe why the ostrich can't fly.
C)To describe the largest bird.

C)To describe the largest bird.


Africa has many kinds of animals. The jungle is the home for gorillas, chimpanzees, and others of the primate family. In the grasslands, there are elephant herds. In the plains are lions, giraffes, zebras, and antelopes. What is the main idea? 

A) Africa is the home of many types of animals.
B)All African animals live in the jungle.
C)There are too many animals in Africa.

A) Africa is the home of many types of animals.


The hamster is an ideal pet. This tiny animal is related to the mouse and rat. A hamster weighs about one quarter of a pound and is about five to six inches long. Hamsters are clean. They can live in a small cage or pen. They eat vegetable scraps and grain. What is the main idea? 

A)The hamster is a small rat.
B)Hamsters are used for laboratory tests.
C) The hamster is a popular pet.

C)The hamster is a popular pet.