Is it normal to feel anxiety or discomfort when near others?
Yes it may happen to some not all. It could be more effected when that someone may have anxiety, or is shy, or have trust issues and not know what to do cause they don’t trust the person
Why do kids get sad easily
Kids tend to cry more when they have something going one in there life such as parents separation, learning problems, and physical illness
What things may happen when on a period?
Some may feel sad, easily irritated, they may have cravings, and etc
Why do kids feel like they can trust anyone?
Some kids may not want to trust people cause they may have had things in the past hurt them and they have had someone hurt them In ways they can’t forgot
Why do you breakout?
Some breakout is from the cause of stress, dehydration, smoking, or insufficient sleep.
What age is it good to start dating at?
Is it ok to be upset after a breakup?
It’s completely normal. The average time it takes to get over a breakup is 6 months.
Why do girls have mood swings?
Researchers think the shift in the hormone estrogen are quite likely to be blamed for this. Woman’s estrogen level rises and fall dramatically days or weeks before their periods.
How to tell if you have anxiety?
Some may be feeling nervous, restless or tense and panic or doom. Others could be having an increase heart rate, breathing rapidly, sweating, trembling and feeling week or tired.
Why do girls periods hurt so bad?
it could be that your are experiencing cramps or you could possible have endometriosis.
Is it normal for a teen to have trust issues?
Yes it is completely to have trust issues In there life because they may feel vulnerable and some don't wanna feel that they are vulnerable.
How should kids approach there parents about unfair rules?
They should be calm about the situation don’t make the situation more escalated than it may be. if they feel like they can’t go up to their parents they can talk to someone they trust.
How many eggs do girls carry?
At birth there is about 1 million eggs but once puberty hits there is about 300,000 left.
How do you tell if you have depression?
Some symptoms are loss of interest, increased fatigue, sleeping problems, anxiety. For men it can be change in appetite or weight and uncontrollable emotion.
Is it normal to gain weight during puberty?
Yes it is completely normal to gain weight during puberty. The average weight that is gained 6.5 pounds
How do you tell someone you don’t like them more than friend?
Just tell them you don’t like them straight out and nothing more than friends.
Is it normal to get sad easier on your period?
It very normal to cry more when on your period. It could be affected if you get anxious easily and/or have depression.
What age do girls get their period?
Girls normqlly get their period at age 12 but some girls can get it as early as 8
What’s the percentages of students who suffer from depression?
is about 20%-30% start to have symptoms of depression. Almost 9% of high school students have attempted suicide in the past year.
how can people Make themselves feel clean?
Some people take showers everyday, brush their hair, brush their teeth, wash their fave, and etc. There are many different ways people make themselves clean all depends on the person
How do you tell if you have social anxiety?
Some kids may start having symptoms like feeling shy or misplaced in public
Why do kids tend to argue with parents more when on puberty?
They tend to argue more cause when they get older they want more independence.
What age is it good to start taking birth control
The average is 16 but some can be ready at a younger age but it is a good idea to talk to your doctor about it.
How to stop anxiety?
One of the main ways is to stay in the current time zone you may be in. This helps with making sure you focus on the present and not the past or the future.
should kids be worried if their bodies are changing?
No kids should not be worried because it a very normal for their bodies to start to change when they start to hit puberty.