
Name some common emotions that people can feel throughout their day.

anger, happy, sad, frustrated, joy, upset, fear, surprise, disgust 



Ashley dropped her ice cream cone on the ground before she even got to have some. This might make her feel ________.

Sad, upset, angry, annoyed

*many answers accepted


I am having a picnic with my close friend and they get a message that they need to leave early. 

What am I feeling?

How can I cope with this emotion?

Sad, upset, angry, dismissed

Take a breath, name the emotion. 

Ask if they can connect to reschedule for another day. 


Can a situation that caused hard or difficult emotions in the past still effect you in the present day?



You and your friend talked on the phone and made plans to go for a walk together the next day. The next day you message your friend to confirm the time and the plans. Your friend does not message you back. 

How might this make you feel?

sad, angry, upset, confused, annoyed, frustrated, ignored


You forgot you school project at home and it is due today. 

What are you feeling?

What can you do to cope with this feeling?

Scared, disappointed, worried etc. 

name your emotions

talk to teacher about it, explain what happened 

connect with someone who may be able to bring it for you.


Why is it important that we learn to label (name) our emotions when we are feeling them? 

This ca help us notice them at later times, and also learn the things that make us feel this way !


You start to feel your heart beating a bit faster, you feel hot, and your stomach is doing flips (or butterflies). You notice this while you are on your way to a new group that you have never been too before. 

What emotion(s) might these body feelings be telling you?

nervous, anxious, scared, worried etc.


You are about to go on stage and perform your talent. You are starting to think about all the things that could go wrong, are getting sweaty, and your throat feels tight. 

You decide that you need to try and cope with these feelings, and know the 1st step is to figure out what you are feeling. 

Which of the emotions found on your coping card below could be what you are feeling?


Can negative emotions have be helpful sometimes?

Yes ! 

Sometimes these emotions teach us about what is important to us, and help us make changes in our lives so that we can experience more positive emotions. 


10 years ago, Ashley got into an argument with a family member that left her feeling really sad, unheard, and unsupported when she mentioned she wanted to go back to school to learn something new. 

Today, Ashley is thinking about taking a course to learn something new, and is feeling scared to tell her significant other. 

Why might Ashley be feeling this way?

might feel scared that they will react the same way the family did 10 years ago


Tomorrow you are going to an event on your own for the first time, and you know already that doing things by yourself makes you feel nervous. 

Can you cope with these emotions the day before going to the event?

Yes ! 

Since you already know you might feel nervous, you can take deep breaths, talk to someone about your worries and many more things to help cope with the emotions for the upcoming event.