This word means "not" in Latin.
What is nōn?
In Latin, this word is the first-person pronoun meaning "me" or "myself."
What is mē?
This noun means "nothing" in Latin.
What is nihil?
This noun translates to "form" or "beauty."
What is fōrma, -ae f.?
This noun means "money."
What is pecūnia, -ae f.?
This greeting means "hello" in Latin.
What is salvē, salvēte!?
This word means "goodbye" in Latin.
What is valē, valēte!?
This verb means "to love" or "to like."
What is amō, amāre, amāvī, amātum?
This Latin word is used to ask "what."
What is quid?
This adverb means "often."
What is saepe?
This word means "girl" in Latin.
What is puella, -ae f.?
This noun refers to "fortune" or "luck."
What is fortūna, -ae f.?
This noun refers to "fame" or "reputation."
What is fāma, -ae f.?
This word means "fatherland" or "native land."
What is patria, -ae f.?
This noun means "poet."
What is poēta, -ae m.?
This noun translates to "feeling" or "opinion."
What is sententia, -ae f.?
This verb translates to "to think" or "to consider."
What is cōgitō, cōgitāre, cōgitāvī, cōgitātum?
This verb means "to wander" or "to err."
What is errō, errāre, errāvī, errātum?
In Latin, this verb means "to call" or "to summon."
What is vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātum?
This verb translates to "to preserve" or "to guard."
What is servō, servāre, servāvī, servātum?
This Latin word means "life" or "mode of life."
What is vīta, -ae f.?
This noun means "anger."
What is īra, -ae f.?
This noun translates to "penalty" or "punishment."
What is poena, -ae f.?
This word means "gate" or "entrance."
What is porta, -ae f.?
This verb translates to "to remind" or "to warn."
What is moneō, monēre, monuī, monitum?