This is the category of words that take the place of nouns in a sentence.
What are pronouns?
This is the 1st person, singular, nominative pronoun.
What is 'ego?'
This was how the Romans decided to figure out how to make laws.
What was sending ambassadors to Greece to study their laws and constitutions?
This is the meaning of caput, capitis.
What is head, leader?
These are the qualities all pronouns copy from the word they are replacing or referring to.
What are number and gender?
This is the 3rd person, singular, genitive, feminine pronoun.
What is 'eius?'
This powerful office was created for emergency situations that Rome's "two people per position" policy would respond too slowly to.
What was the office of Dictator?
This is the meaning of amicus, -a, -um.
What is 'friendly'?
The nominative case of pronouns is commonly used for this purpose.
What is emphasizing who is doing the action?
These are the two possible genitive, plural, 2nd person pronouns.
What are 'vestrum' and 'vestri?'
This was Appius Claudius Caecus' plan to kidnap Verginia.
What was to have a friend claim she was an escaped slave, bring her to court, have Appius as the judge find her to be a slave (stripping her of all rights), and pay off the friend by "buying" his new slave girl?
This is the meaning of nec.
What is 'and not, nor'?
The Genitive case of 1st and 2nd person pronouns is used to show this.
What is connection rather than ownership; that something is part of a larger group or whole?
This is the feminine, accusative, singular form of Is, Ea, Id.
What is 'eam?'
These were each side's demands during the second secession of the plebs.
What was to resume elections(plebs), remove and punish the decemviri (plebs), be immune from punishment (plebs), have the laws established without any repeals (decemviri), and to be immune from punishment (decemviri).
This is the adverbial form of the word for 'good'.
What is 'bene'?
This is what 'is, ea, id' is referred to when used as an adjective.
What is a weak or mild demonstrative meaning this or that?
This is the accusative form of 'nemo'.
What is 'nēminem?'
These were the powers and authority given to the first and second decemviri, so that nobody could interfere with the laws being written down.
What was that no other elected positions would be held, that no one could veto them, that they were the judges and no one could appeal their decisions, and that they each had the powers of a consul?
This is the Latin word that means 'dear.'
What is 'carus, -a, -um?'