Figurative Language
Keats' Biography

What is the broad theme of the poem?

Fear of death


Give a metaphor from the poem.

"When I behold, upon the night’s starred face, / Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance."


How old was Keats when he died?

He was 25 years old.


What emotion does Keats express in the poem?

Melancholy, fear, and a sense of urgency about the fleeting nature of life


What does Keats fear most?

He fears dying before writing all that he wishes to and before experiencing true love.


What is being personified in the line "Before high-piled books, in charactery"?

The books are personified as containing his unwritten thoughts and poetic works


Why did Keats have such a prominent fear of death?

Keats was aware of his deteriorating health and feared dying before realizing his creative potential or experiencing love fully.


How does the tone change between the quatrains and the final couplet?

The tone shifts from anxious and fearful in the quatrains to a more resigned, contemplative acceptance in the couplet


How does  the image of the "full ripened grain" play into the main theme?

It symbolizes the fulfillment of creative potential, which Keats fears he will never reach.


What is the meaning of metaphor in the line "Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance"?

The "cloudy symbols" represent Keats’ lofty, unattained ideals and aspirations


How did Keats’ fear of death influence his poetry?

Keats suffered from tuberculosis, which caused him to reflect on mortality and the fear of dying young, themes present in much of his work


How does the poem's structure (Shakespearean sonnet) contribute to its overall tone?

The structured form contrasts with the emotional intensity, emphasizing the conflict between order (form) and chaotic fear (emotion)