Very Easy

The first spark of the revolt of 1857 began in ____ (a town in present-day Uttar Pradesh).



The revolt of 1857 is often referred to as India's first war of ____.



Which one of the following was NOT a leader during the 1857 revolt?
A) Nana Saheb
B) Tantia Tope
C) Lord Dalhousie
D) Begum Hazrat Mahal

C) Lord Dalhousie


The British were able to retake Delhi by capturing and imprisoning ____ ____, the last Mughal emperor.

 Bahadur Shah Zafar.


 What did the British do to protect the interests of those who converted to Christianity?

 Following were the steps that the British did to protect the interest of those who converted to Christianity:

  1. After 1830, the Company allowed Christian missionaries to function freely in its domain and even own land and property.
  2. In 1850, a new law was passed to make conversion to Christianity easier.

The Doctrine of Lapse allowed Indian rulers to pass on their kingdoms to their adopted heirs. TRUE OR FALSE



What was the primary cause of dissatisfaction among Indian soldiers in the British army?
A) Low salaries
B) Discrimination by British officers
C) Forced religious conversions
D) All of the above

D) All of the above


Rani Lakshmibai led the rebellion in the city of Kanpur.TRUE OR FALSE

False (She led the rebellion in Jhansi).


The revolt of 1857 was supported by all sections of Indian society, including the middle class and traders.TRUE OR FALSE

False (The middle class and traders generally remained neutral or loyal to the British).


The British Crown abolished the Mughal dynasty after the revolt of 1857.

True.(After the 1857 rebellion, the British deposed Bahadur Shah Zafar, the last Mughal emperor, ending the Mughal dynasty and establishing direct British rule over India. )


Who was the Mughal emperor during the revolt of 1857?
A) Bahadur Shah Zafar
B) Akbar II
C) Shah Alam II
D) Aurangzeb

A) Bahadur Shah Zafar


The British responded to the revolt by strengthening their policies of Westernization and promoting Christian missionary activities.TRUE OR FALSE

False (They became more cautious about interfering with Indian religious and social customs).


After the 1857 revolt, India came directly under the rule of the ____ ____ instead of the East India Company.

British Crown


Which one of these regions did NOT witness significant fighting during the revolt of 1857?
A) Bengal
B) Awadh
C) Central India
D) Delhi

A) Bengal


Which of the following factors was NOT a significant cause of the 1857 rebellion against British rule?

A) The imposition of the Doctrine of Lapse, which annexed princely states.
B) The introduction of new land revenue systems that exploited peasants.
C) The promotion of Indian languages in British educational institutions.
D) The introduction of the Enfield rifle, which offended both Hindu and Muslim soldiers.

C) The promotion of Indian languages in British educational institutions.


What was the main reason behind the annexation of Awadh by the British?

The British annexed Awadh claiming that the Nawab was miss governing the region, which angered the local population.


Why did Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi join the rebellion against the British?

Rani Lakshmibai joined the rebellion after the British refused to recognize her adopted son as the heir to the throne of Jhansi, following the Doctrine of Lapse.


How did the rebellion of 1857 influence the governance of India by the British?

After the rebellion, the British Crown took direct control of India from the East India Company, ending its rule.


How did the last Mughal emperor live the last years of his life?

 The last Mughal emperor lived a very pathetic life during the last years of his life. He was tried in court and sentenced to life imprisonment. He and his wife were sent to prison in Rangoon. He died there after four years.


After the rebellion, the British policy of ____ ____ aimed to prevent unity among Indian communities and rulers, making future rebellions less likely.

divide and rule.


Why did Indian sepoys refuse to use the new Enfield rifles introduced by the British?

The cartridges were greased with cow and pig fat, which offended both Hindu and Muslim religious sentiments.


How did the Doctrine of Lapse affect Indian rulers, and why did it lead to resentment?

The Doctrine of Lapse allowed the British to annex states without a male heir, which undermined Indian rulers and their sovereignty.


Why did some Indian rulers and princely states remain loyal to the British during the rebellion?

Some rulers feared losing their privileges or territories if the rebellion succeeded, while others sought British protection for political or economic reasons.


In what ways did the British change their policies as a result of the rebellion of 1857?

According to the Act of 1858 powers of the East India Company were transferred to the British Crown in India.

  • Secretary of State was appointed for governance and Governor-General was given the title of Viceroy.
  • Secretary of State was to be assisted by a council of 15 members. It was only an advisory body.
  • Governor-General was answerable to the Secretary of State.

How did the "List of Eighty-Four Rules" illustrate British intentions of control over Indian sepoys, and why did these rules lead to strong opposition from the soldiers? Analyze the cultural and military implications of these regulations.

The "List of Eighty-Four Rules" demonstrated the British intent to enforce strict control over Indian sepoys, often disregarding their customs and religious practices. Rules that restricted behaviors, such as prohibitions on crossing the sea, deeply offended high-caste Hindus, while the introduction of animal fat in cartridges further alienated Muslim soldiers. These regulations not only symbolized military domination but also threatened the cultural identities of the soldiers. The strong opposition arose from the perception that the British sought to erase their social values, ultimately fueling resentment and contributing to the revolt.