You broke your sister's favorite toy, and now she's upset about it, Should you apologize?
True: Yes
You are running around at recess and you accidentally trip one of your classmates and they fall over, should you apologize?
True: Yes, you should apologize even if it was an accident, because your classmate could be hurt.
You make a joke to your friend, and even though you weren't intending to make them upset, they get upset. Should you apologize?
True: Yes, you should apologize, even if you did not mean to intentionally hurt their feelings
You are not paying attention and accidentally bump into someone when you are walking. Should you apologize?
True: Yes, you should apologize
You are thirsty in the middle of the night so you go to the fridge to get a glass of water, should you apologize?
False: No you should not have to apologize for getting yourself water.
In gym class, your team loses the game, which makes you upset, so you throw something and it hits a classmate, should you apologize?
True: Yes you should apologize to your classmate
Your friend asked you to play outside with them after school, you get home and forget, they ask you why you didn't play with them? Should you apologize?
True: Yes, you should apologize and tell them you forgot!
You are in a store and accidentally break something. Should you apologize?
True: Yes, you should apologize even if you did not mean too!
Your younger sibling wants to play with you, and keeps asking you over and over again. You get frustrated with them asking a lot so you yell at them accidently and make them cry
True: Yes you should apologize, even if you didn't mean too because you upset them by yelling!
You had a rough night and you forgot to turn in or do a homework assignment. You teacher asks you about it the next day, should you apologize?
True: Yes, you should apologize, if you want to explain why you also can!
You take something from your friend without telling them, they find out and get upset. Should you apologize?
True: Yes, you should apologize for taking something without asking first
You get caught taking something from a store without paying for it. Should you apologize?
True: Yes, you should apologize because stealing is not the right thing to do!
You accidentally knock over something at home, even though you did not mean too, should you apologize?
True: Yes, you should apologize even when you didn't mean too
A kid at school pushes you, so you push them back, should you apologize?
True: Yes, you and the kid should both apologize to each other for pushing, but instead of pushing back next time, you should tell a trusted adult!
Your friend excludes you from something they are doing, you get upset and say something hurtful. Should you apologize?
True: Yes, because you said something hurtful, and that is not the right thing to do when you are upset!
You and your friends go to the library after school, you are all having too much fun and get really loud. Someone working in the library shushes you. Should you apologize?
True: Yes, you should apologize because you were being disruptive to others
You break a rule at your house intentionally, should you apologize?
True: Yes you should apologize for breaking a rule
You get caught cheating on an assignment, quiz, or test, should you apologize?
True: Yes, you should apologize because cheating is not the right thing to do!
Your friend finds out you were saying mean things about them behind their back, they get very upset at you because they are sad. Should you apologize?
True: Yes, you should apologize for hurting your friend's feelings!
You do not hold the door for someone walking behind you. Should you apologize?
Yes and No, you do not HAVE to hold a door for anyone who doesn't ask you too, but it is the nice thing to do!