Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) belong to the tribe known as _________?
Quraysh. (p. 14)
What was sacrificed in place of Abdullah, the Prophet's father?
100 camels (p.15)
Who rediscovered the ZamZam well?
Abdul Muttalib (p.16)
Who resolved the issue over the Black Stone being placed on the Kabah?
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). (pp. 26–27)
What was the Prophet’s occupation before prophethood?
A shepard, later Trading (p. 25)
Our Prophet's (pbuh) ancestry can be traced back to which prophet?
Ibraheem through Isma’eel. (p. 13)
Who comforted Prophet after first revelation?
Khadījah & Waraqa. (pp. 30–31)
Roughly how old was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) upon receiving the first revelation?
40 years old (p.29)
What is the Meaning of “Al-Ameen”?
“The Trustworthy.” (p. 28)
Who were the first slaves to accept Islam?
Zayd bin Harithah and Bilal ibn Rabah. (p.35)
At what age did Muhammad first accompany his uncle on a caravan to Syria?
Around 12 years old. (pp. 22–23)
When the Prophet (pbuh) felt it was time to take his message of Islam to neighboring tribes, which city did he make his way on foot?
Ta'if (p.96)
Which surah did Umar bin Khattab recite, in turn, softening his heart to accepting Islam?
Surah Ta-Ha (p.81)
Who was the first martyr of Islam and how did It happen?
Sumayyah bint Khayyat. Abu Jahl struck a lance at her genitials. (p. 55)
What was Dar Al-Nadwah for?
It housed the tribal parliament, and marriages were also performed on it premises.(pp. 14–15)
Where was Muhammad (pbuh) when Umar bin Khattab accepted Islam and why was this place so important?
In the house of Dar Al-Arqam. This was the place where believers could learn and pray in secret. (p.81)
Wanting to preserve the Muslim community from increasing belligerence recieved by the Quraysh, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) sent a small batch of Muslims to migrate. How many Muslims migrated and why did our Prophet (pbuh) choose this place for them to migrate to?
16 Muslims, 12 men and 4 women. Our Prophet (pbuh) chose Abysinnia for them to migrate to as the Christian King did not allow persecution on his lands. (p.68-69)
How did the "Battle of Fajar" get its name?
It took place in a sacred month when fighting was prohibited and violated the sancity of a sacred month with bloodshed. (p. 23)
After the death of his beloved wife Khadijah, who did Muhammad (pbuh) marry? Specifically one month after and another wife a year later.
Saudah bint Zam'a and Aishah bint Abu Bakr (p.95-96)
Which two Quraysh tribal leaders opposed Muhammad's (pbuh) message and what accusations did they spread about the Quran?
Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab. They spreaded rumors stating the Quran was fabricated or sorcery. (p. 38,45,54)
Explain the miraculous event Muhammad experienced during his childhood, leading him to be returned to his mother in Makkah for two years.
Muhammad (pbuh) was playing with some children near Haleemah's house when Jibreel appeared and made Muhammad (pbuh) lie down. He opened up Muhammad's chest, took out his heart and extracted a lump of flesh from it: "This is the portion of Satan in you." Then put Muhammad's (pbuh) heart in a golden tray filled with ZamZam water, washed it and replaced it in his chest. (P.21)
In the wake of the Battle of Fajar, a convenent was agreed upon among the five tribes of the Quraysh. What is the name of the convenent and who were the five tribe signatories?
Hilf Al-Fudool and its signatories were Banu Hashim, Banu Abdul Muttalib, Banu Asad, Banu Zahra and Banu Taym. (p.24)
What was Abu Jahl's actual name and how did he become known as "Abu Jahl, Father of Ignorance"?
His actual name was Abu Hakam, meaning Father of Wisdom, but his behavior toward the Prophet (pbuh) and the early Muslims earned him the title Abu (p.64-5)
What did the Christian Monk say to young Muhammad (pbuh), while Muhammad (pbuh) was on a caravan with his grand-father to Syria?
"This is the chief of the world and the Messenger of the Lord. God has sent him as a mercy for all mankind.". (p.23)
What five women nursed our Prophet (pbuh) and who were they?
1. His mother Amina, 2. Umm Ayman- his father's slave, 3. Thuwaybah-the slave of Muhammad's uncle Abu Lahab 4.Haleemah a Bedouin women 5. Judhama daughter of Haleema. (p.18-20)