This scientist used the giraffe to illustrate his theories of use and disuse as well as acquired characteristics.
Who is Lamarck
This idea that species were fixed and do not evolve over time
What is fixity of species
The belief that the universe began from a singularity and exploded in the Big Bang is associated with this concept.
What is the Big Bang
The belief that God created the world as described in Genesis and that life forms have not changed since then is known as this.
What is Fixity of Species
MS. G's favorite color
What is Green
Which philosopher states that food on earth will run out because of expanding population, and that war and death are inevitable?
Who is Malthus
This term describes changes in an organism that enhance its ability to survive in its environment.
What is adaptation?
Over time, pigs on Guam have shown an increase in tusk size. This would be an example of this.
What is adaptation
This theory suggests that God created the world, but allowed evolution to guide development.
What is theistic evolution
The name of Ms. G's nephew
This biologist developed a classification system for living organisms
Who is Carolus Linnaeus
This process, where only the organisms best suited to their environment survive and reproduce was proposed by Darwin
What is Natural Selection
The concept that the universe's current processes can explain past geological events is known as this.
What is uniformitarianism
The belief that a creator made the Earth, but evolution is responsible for species changing over time, is known as this.
What is Progressive Creationism
What are the names of Ms. G's fish?
Who is Don and Tiles
This monk's theory of genetics wasn't discovered until after Darwin
Who is Gregor Mendel
What is Neo-Darwinism
This term refers to the idea that structures in different organisms with similar features indicate common ancestry.
What is Homologous Structures
The problem with views like Analogical Day view, Framework view, Progressive Creationism and Theistic Evolution is that they believe what about death?
What is - that death preceded mankind and not as a result of sin or that death is still a necessary part of change.
What language did Ms. G study for 6 years?
What is French
This scientist said, "The present is the key to the past" when interpreting rocks
Who is Charles Lyell
This concept refers to the idea that organisms change over time by passing down modifications to future generations.
What is Descent with Modification
When wild pigs on Guam show variation in their tusk sizes, this is an example of this process.
What is Natural Selection
This interpretation of the Creation days in Genesis suggests that the "days" are not literal 24-hour periods but represent longer, symbolic periods of time that convey a pattern of work rather than a literal timeline.
What is the Analogical Day View
What is the last name of Ms. G's best friend (from college)?
What is Nupson