Author's Purpose
Name one example of situational irony.
Billy boy died because of the fear of dying. He had a heart attack, the warfare didn’t kill him like what is to be expected so this is situational irony. “He was scared he was gonna die—so scared he had himself a heart attack—and that’s what really killed him” (O’Brien 737). Paul Berlin never finds the peace and safety he expects at the sea. Instead his fear is still with him. “Once they reached the sea, things would be better” (O’Brien 733). Paul Berlin “could not stop giggling, remembering: scared to death” and this is situational irony because you would not expect someone to laugh during a situation of grief or fear (O’Brien 737).
Describe at least two ways Tim O'Brien (the author) reveals theme to the reader. Determine if it's effective.
One way the author reveals theme is through Paul Berlin's characterization and his fear. Through his fear we can see multiple themes of war, fear, and soldier's mental stability. Also through the irony, symbolism, setting and the title are other ways theme is revealed to the reader. Yes I believe the author does an effective job.
What is the author's purpose?
-To reveal horrors of war -Show some problems soldiers face -Illustrate how war affects soldiers
What is a symbol in literature?
A symbol in literature is something that functions in a story the way you would expect it to, but also stands for something more than itself in a literature piece.
How does tone affect the story?
Tone, the author's attitude, shows characterization of Paul Berlin and shows us how the author feels about war. "He was pretending he was not in the war, pretending he had not watched Billy Boy Watkins die of a heart attack that afternoon" this shows that war is so terrible that the men have to pretend they are not in the war to feel even a little better.
Name one example of situational irony.
Billy boy died because of the fear of dying. He had a heart attack, the warfare didn’t kill him like what is to be expected so this is situational irony. “He was scared he was gonna die—so scared he had himself a heart attack—and that’s what really killed him” (O’Brien 737). Paul Berlin never finds the peace and safety he expects at the sea. Instead his fear is still with him. “Once they reached the sea, things would be better” (O’Brien 733). Paul Berlin “could not stop giggling, remembering: scared to death” and this is situational irony because you would not expect someone to laugh during a situation of grief or fear (O’Brien 737).
Bonus Comprehension Question! What does Paul Berlin daydream about near the beginning of the story when he pretends he is not a soldier?
He daydreams about going camping with his father.
Bonus Comprehension Question! What type of landscape to the soldiers march through in attempt to reach the sea?
Rice patties (marshes).
What does the song symbolize in "Where Have You Gone Charming Billy?"
The song in "Where Have You Gone Charming Billy?" symbolizes Paul’s fear due to witnessing Billy Boy Watkins death. Paul Berlin is singing it to keep from remembering the horrors of his first day of war. The song is meant to try to keep Paul Berlin to not think about his fear. "Songs, another trick to stop from thinking"
How does mood affect the reader?
Mood, the feeling a reader gets, leads the reader to the theme and makes the reader connect with the characters and the fear Paul Berlin has.
How does irony effect the story?
Without irony there would be no plot, there would be nothing to compare Paul Berlin’s fear or to show the scariness and horrors of war. Also leads to the theme.
What is the theme?
There are multiple themes (answers will vary) dealing with horrors of war and fear but a couple that are evident include: fighting in a war and witnessing it's horrors can affect a soldier's mental stability. Another is, war is an atrocious thing that causes changes in the soldiers that partake in it.
How does author's purpose affect the story? Lead to theme?
Through the author's purpose of writing this peice, theme is obviously revealed in his attempt to show the emotional problems soldiers face during the war. By emphasizing Paul's fear like "though he was afraid, he knew that his fear came in many degrees and types and peculiar categories..." revealed theme that fighting in a war and witnessing it's horrors can affect a soldier's mental stability.
What effect do the symbols in the story, have on the reader?
The symbols in "Where Have You Gone Charming Billy?" help move the story along and help the reader understand the story more. The two main symbols in this story, The sea and the song, are put into the story by the author to help the reader develop the theme and understand some of the true horrors of war.
What is the mood of the story?
The mood of the story is serious and ominous because it is talking about the death of Billy Boy and the fear Paul Berlin has.
Bonus Comprehension Question! What does Buffalo give Paul?
Water or a stick of gum.
What literary elements help to reveal theme?
Literary elements that help to reveal theme include characterization, especially Berlin's actions and fears and setting.Through symbolism of the song "Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?" and the title reveal theme because they both show Paul's fear and the horrific acounts of war. And lastly, through irony of Paul "shaking with giggles" at the serious moment of Billy Boy dying. And laughing at his fear when Paul himself is just as fearful as Billy Boy was.
How does author's purpose affect the reader?
Affects the reader by allowing them to understand and be informed about the dificulties of war and problems faced by soldiers. Problems include fear and lasting memory of seeing a friend die, like Paul Berlin did when "watching Billy Boy Watkins die...[and how] he tried not to think [about it]."
What does the sea symbolize in the the short story "Where Have You Gone Charming Billy?"
In "Where Have You Gone Charming Billy?" the sea stands for saftey and security from the war. Once they reached the sea, things would be better. "They would have their rear guarded by three thousand miles of ocean, and they would swim and dive into the breakers and hunt crayfish and smell the salt, and they would be safe."
What is the tone of the story?
The tone of the story is negative toward the war, saying that it makes people go crazy or insane. "A funny story that he would tell his father, how Billy Boy Watkins was scared to death. A good joke."
How does irony effect the reader?
Irony gives a mood of fearfulness and terror. Also keeps the reader questioning why the story is so full of horror and intrigued to finding out what will happen to the soldier Paul Berlin.
How does theme affect other elements in "Where Have You Gone Charming Billy?"
Theme help's to reveal author's purpose to recount his recounts of the horrors of war. It also helps to reveal the mood of hysteria and tenseness due to the main character's fear of fighting.
How is author's purpose revealed?
Through theme, seeing as theme and author's purpose go hand in hand. It's also revealed through characterization and how Paul Berlin deals with the problems he faces during his first day at war. Things he sees and dealing with his fear helps to reveal why Tim O'Brien would want to inform the reader of how war affects the soldiers.
Names Comprehension Question! What specific type of gum is given to Paul Berlin?
Doublemint gum. Quote- "was sitting beside him, quietly chewing a stick of Doublemint gum."
Bonus Comprehension Question! What did the soldiers hear that made the soldiers stop?
A dog barking. " The column stopped until the barking died away; then they marched fast away from the village."