Signed States
Getting Places
Thrilling Things to Do
Laid Back Activities
This is the only continent without any deserts.
What is Europe
This state is famous for bordering 4 Great Lakes
The hip bones connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bones connected to the knee bone, the knee bones connected to the leg bone, the leg bones connected to the ankle bone, the ankle bones connected to the, foot bone.... and this is how we do this activity that gets us from one part of the room to the other.
What is Walk
In the movie Hitch, Alex Hitchens (Hitch) and Sara Milas do this activity in the Hudson River, which ends baldly when Sara gets kicked off her machine and into the water.
What is Jet Skiing
This activity traditionally involves leaving all luxury items at home while going out into the woods and "roughing it" by sleeping on the ground in a sleeping bag.
What is Camping
This coninent is actually named after the explorer Americo Vespucci.
What is North America
This state is known to many as "The City that Never Sleeps"
What is New York
Thanks to the Wright Brothers, and this invention, we can now soar in the sky like the birds.
What is the Airplane
There are two specific types of this wavy water activity, long board and short board.
What is Surfing
This is a popular activity in the summer on Long Island, where people take charter boats out into the ocean where they are taught how to do this activity involving a hook, line, and bait.
What is Fishing
This is the continent on which the world's largest coral reef is located
This state includes 7 inhabited islands, and many others that are currently still being formed.
What is Hawaii
The wheels on this go round and round, all through the town.
What is a Bus
Many people have died in a failed attempt to make it to the top of Mt. Everest doing this activity.
What is Rock / Mountain Climbing
Usually known as an "excursion" on many cruise ships, during this activity you are donned with a pair of goggles, a breathing tube, a wet suit, and a tank of oxygen, and then guided into the deepest parts of the water to observe ocean life.
What is SCUBA
This is the second largest continent, and is said to be the place where the first "human" ever inhabited.
What is AFRICA
This state is known as the Pine Tree State, and it's capitol is Augusta.
What is Maine
In 1796, Nicholas Joseph Cugnot was said to have invented this four wheeled beauty that now allows us to drive around town without our horse and buggy.
What is the Car
This strenuous, yet thrilling, activity involves propelling on a raft down different classes of rapids.
What is White Water Rafting
An activity usually done in correlation with camping, where you would need comfy sneakers, lots of water, a backpack, and possibly a walking stick.
What is Hiking
This is the largest of the continents, covering 1/3 of the Earth's surface.
What is ASIA
This state has an estimated 100,00 glaciers and a possible 70 active volcanos.
What is Alaska
The term for this invention was not coined until the 1860s in France to describe this two-wheeled device with a mechanical drive.
What is a Bicycle
In 1998, the famous singer Sunny Bono died tragically during this snowy activity.
What is Skiing
Natural History, Modern Art, Intrepid Air + Space, and the Metropolitan are a few of the more popular names of this type of establishment where you may go to learn about the history of a certain idea or genre of life.
What is Museum