Location hot work permit
what is storeroom?
what is bulk stores, employee section
location wet end control room
what is paper machine operating level, wet end up set of stairs
fiber maintenance shop
what is south of picnic tables, in maint/eng building
elephant pen
Location confined space policy
What is doc management
mechanics gloves
what are operating area or maintenance cabinets?
kamyr control room
what is 4th floor of the kamyr building
E/I shop
what is maint/eng building, just north of storeroom
location of fitness center
what is shipping mezzanine
Obtain personal locks
Who is Glenda? Alternately, What is storeroom lock and yellow tag
confined space harness
what are area supplies or ask a friend
safe access to recovery control room
what is stairs by sub 20 or entry from turbine deck
what is north of white pen
location of TAPPI room
what is dry end of paper machine
Number of minutes for high hazard fire watch after work is completed
What is 60 minutes?
chemical rated suit
what is inside storeroom, submit a ticket
chip field control room
what is 3rd floor of chip uniformity building
recovery/occ maintenance shop
what is north of recaust
'old cafeteria'
What is the ERT training center
the most important part of your job
what is keeping yourself and your coworkers safe?
molded earplugs or WileyX glasses
What is submit a form through Ronda Ward
shipping office entry
what is by yellow walkways in shipping from either paper machine (stairs across roll line) or entry from NE corner by shipping tunnel
auto shop
What is south end of valve/carpenter shop
what is current employee/vendor parking lot south of shipping