Kings and
Laws, Acts, and Documents
Events and
People who were not Kings or Rulers

After first assuming the title of first consul, this ruler named himself emperor of France in 1804. 

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


This tax on legal documents in the American colonies was met with boycotts and protests and was eventually repealed by Parliament. 

What is the Stamp Act?


Napoleon was defeated for the final time at this battle. 

What is the Battle of Waterloo?


This was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


This organization accepted all workers but could not use strikes effectively. 

What is the Knights of Labor? (KOL)


Nicknamed the "Sun King" this ruler had the lavish palace of Versailles built in order to occupy the nobility. 

Who is Louis XIV?


This unified set of laws greatly improved the education and economic systems of France while also greatly reducing the rights of women. 

What are the Napoleonic Codes?


At this meeting of colonial delegates it was decided that a national army needed to formed and that George Washington should lead it.

What is the 2nd Continental Congress?


This innovator created the first paddle wheel steamboat. 

Who is Robert Fulton?


The Intolerable Acts were passed by Parliament to punish the American colonies for this action.

What is the Boston Tea Party?


This czar's greatest accomplishment was improving Russia's education system. 

Who is Catherine the Great?


This document proclaimed that the National Assembly of France would continue to meet until a new constitution was written. 

What is the Tennis Court Oath?


This meeting of European leaders was held to discuss consequences and solutions for the chaos created by the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars. 

What is the Congress of Vienna?


This British official issued a tax in the colonies on everyday items such as glass, paint, paper, and tea. 

Who is Charles Townshend?


The Concordat of 1801 mended the relationship between the French government and this organization. 

What is the Catholic Church?


This leader of the Roundheads became "Lord Protector" of England after the execution of Charles I.

Who is Oliver Cromwell?


The Petition of Right, which limited royal power, was signed by this English king. 

Who is Charles I?


France officially became this type of government after the removal and execution of Louis XVI.

What is a Republic?


This author of The Social Contract wrote about the importance of people following the "general will" in a society. 

Who is Jean-Jacques Rousseau?


In Spanish America, this social class was made up of people who were of mixed European and Native American descent. 

What are mestizos?


During his reign as king of England he attempted to unite all the British kingdoms under his authority by forcing Anglicanism on them. 

Who is James I?


This series of laws began to restrict the use of child labor during the Industrial Revolution. 

What are the British Factory Acts?


This term is used to describe the removal of James II from the throne and the appointment of William and Mary as co-rulers of England. 

What is the Glorious Revolution?


This independence leader took over control of the Mexican Revolution after the death of Miguel Hidalgo.

Who is José Maria Morelos?


This declaration, issued by Austria and Prussia, warned the French government to stop the revolution or risk being invaded. 

What is the Declaration of Pillnitz?