What game theme was Chaz's party?
Chess, everyone wears black and white
Name the two girls in Weeksboro, Maine and give one personality type for both
Alexandra (free-spirit) and Steph (structured and skeptical)
Where is Brent in the beginning of chapter 3, where is he headed and why?
On a bus, on his way to Seattle WA to build his first whirligig to honor Lea
How old is Brent and where does he go to school?
Junior in high school, private school in Chicago area
Who is Lea Zamora?
18 year old honor student, magnificent musician in her school orchestra, participated in lots of community service
Who does Brent like and why?
Brianna, she is beautiful and a part of the "in crowd" where Brent wants to fit in
What grade in school are the two girls at the beginning of the chapter?
8th grade
Who does Brent meet in Washington and what is their role?
A mid-thirties, bearded, fit, tan cyclist on a journey from Canada to California
What is Brent's relationship with his parents?
Brief interactions, parents are materialistic and distant; characterized by his father's stress and frequent moving contribute to his angst and loneliness that leads Brent to drink too much, loose his temper and attempt suicide.
Where was Lea going after graduation?
California to volunteer at a hospital and then Boston for school
Why does Brent feel like a leper?
Brent was humiliated by Brianna and then Chaz in front of everyone at the party.
Where do they go and why?
To the point, to participate in guided imagery to manifest Steph a boyfriend
What reasons doe Brent give for accepting Mrs. Zamora's request?
He wants to repay the family somehow, he wants to start over and get away from Chicago, he wants to pay his respects
Describe Brent's personality in the beginning of this book
emotionally and intellectually shallow, just wants to fit in, impatient and quick tempered, throws tantrums. Primary focus is the acquisition of material goods in pursuit of social status. Interests are cars and girls. Deeply insecure, craves others approval. Focus is on looks, money and popularity.
What object represents Lea?
What is the turning point on Brent's ride home- how does Brent's attitude change?
Brent's attitude went from really upset to calm as he begins to have intrusive thoughts and let go of the wheel.
What is the theme of chapter 2?
There is power in positive thinking
What does the Whirligig in chapter 3 look like?
A wingless angel playing the harp, with dark hair like Lea.
What was Brent's sentence for killing Lea?
Alcohol counseling, volunteer in the ER at a local hospital, therapy for depression and meeting with Lea Zamora's parents for mediation.
How do people describe Lea?
Smart, thoughtful, caring, ambitious, joyful
What was the man vs. self conflict at the end of the chapter?
Brent hears a voice inside his head encouraging him to take his power back and end his life, Brent lets go of the wheel
What does Steph do for the whirligig at the end of the chapter?
Steph goes back at the end of every winter and takes care of the whirligig, making any needed repairs, as a show of respect.
What is a KARASS? Brent mentions this in the chapter. What is the significance of this word?
A group of strangers brought together through similar struggles or hardships, you cannot choose your KARASS; a spirit family
Why is chapter 3 called "The Afterlife" and how is that meaningful to Brent?
Every part of his life after the accident, he is on a journey of self-discovery and carrying on the legacy of Lea
How will Lea's legacy live on?
Through the Whirligigs that will spread joy to strangers throughout the four corners of the USA.