Analyze the Text
Analyze Craft and Structure
Author's Style
Word Study

What event sparks the conflict between the Montagues and Capulets at the beginning of Act 1?

The fight between the servants of the Montague and Capulet families.


What is the main purpose of the Prologue to Shakespeare’s *The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet?

To set the scene for the play as a whole


What does the stage direction in Act I, Scene i, of *The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet* (Enter Prince Escalus, with his Train) show most clearly about Prince Escalus?

He is an important figure in Verona


What type of language does Shakespeare frequently use in *Romeo and Juliet* to enhance the emotional impact of the characters' dialogue?



What is the meaning of the Latin prefix "trans-"?

It means "across" or "through.


Who tries to break up the fight in the streets of Verona, and what is his relation to the Montagues?

Benvolio tries to break up the fight; he is Romeo's cousin.


In Act I, which of the following best characterizes Capulet as a father?



What two things does the Nurse’s dialogue in Act I, Scene iii, of *The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet* reveal about her character?

She is devoted to Juliet and she rambles on and on


In Act 1, what metaphor does Romeo use to describe his feelings for Juliet when he first speaks to her?

"If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine (her hand)..."


Using the Latin word "mittere," which means "to send," explain the meaning of the word "transmit."

"Transmit" means to send something across or through, such as data or signals


What advice does Benvolio give to Romeo to help him get over his unrequited love for Rosaline?

Benvolio advises Romeo to forget Rosaline and look at other women.


Find a quote from Act I, Scene ii that shows Capulet's feelings toward Juliet.

"The earth hath swallow'd all my hopes but she, she is the hopeful lady of my earth."


What is most clearly revealed about Mercutio in the excerpt from his long speech about Queen Mab in Act I, Scene iv?

He is playful and imaginative


What oxymoron does Romeo use in Act I, Scene i to describe his feelings about love?

"O brawling love! O loving hate!"


Provide an example of a word that uses the prefix "trans-" and explain its meaning.

Answers will vary.


At the Capulet's party, how does Romeo react when he first sees Juliet, and what does he compare her to?

A rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear.


Lady Capulet compares Paris to a book in Act I, Scene iii. What is she implying about Paris?

Paris is like a beautiful book that contains beauty, wisdom, and knowledge.


How does the use of foreshadowing in the prologue of *The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet* establish the tone for the play?

It sets an ominous tone by indicating the tragic fate of the main characters


Which quote from Juliet from the end of Act I, Scene v of *The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet* contains an oxymoron?

"My only love sprung from my only hate, / Too early seen unknown, and known too late!"


How does the prefix "trans-" change the meaning of the word "form" in the word "transform"?

"Transform" means to change something completely, moving it across from one form to another.


What important realization do Romeo and Juliet make at the end of Act 1, and how does it foreshadow the tragic events to come?

Romeo and Juliet realize that they belong to families that are enemies (the Montagues and Capulets), which foreshadows the conflict and tragedy that will arise from their love.


In Act I, Scene v, why does Capulet allow Romeo to stay at the feast?

He will not allow a well-mannered guest to be insulted in his home.


Describe how Romeo changes over the course of Act I.

He goes from being depressed about his unrequited love for Rosaline to being in love with Juliet.


What effect does Juliet’s use of oxymora in her speech (My only love sprung from my only hate, / Too early seen unknown, and known too late!) have on the audience?

It emphasizes the seriousness of the obstacle facing the lovers.


Explain how the prefix "trans-" is used in the word "transaction" and its significance in that context.

"Transaction" refers to the act of carrying across or conducting a business deal or exchange between parties.