What is the White Man's burden?
having to care for native people after capturing their country
What does the word abide mean in the poem?
to wait; to be patient; not worry about something
Which statement best expresses the poem's theme?
f. doing ones' duty is a noble and gratifying task g.letting go of one;s power is a difficult, but necessary act h. governing a conquered people is a hard and thankless job i. educating an uncivilized people is a frustrating, but rewarding mission
Does the author present the people ruled in the poem in a positive or negative way?
They appear to be thoughtless and uncaring, but not too harsh. Word such as "Cold-edged with dear brought wisdom.." Thankless year"....easy ungrdudged praise..." are examples of their attitudes as rulers
In 2-3 sentences, describe the way that the imaginary way author describes the people in the introductory paragraph
Half-devil and half child
What does the author mean when he says, "to fill the mouth of famine"?
To feed the poor and hungry: work in order to give food to help starving people
Another word for tawdry is
meaningless; pointless
REad the lines from the poem " Take up the White Man's burden-The savage wars of peace-Fill full the mouth of Famine-And bid the sickness cease. From these lines you can infer that the setting of the poem is a. a poor country b. an isolated country c. a developing country d. an independent country
a poor country
What conflict does the white Man face in the stanza, "Take up the White Man's burden- In patience to abide, to veil the threat of terror, and check the slow of pride; by open speech and simple; an hundred times made plain; to seek another profit; and work another's gain.
f. keeping the captive people fed g. keeping the captive people healthy h. working for someone elses benefit i. working for a goal and never achieving it
In 2-3 senteces, how does the author speak about the origination of these people? Where did they originate from?
Why brought ye us from bondage, our loved Egyptian night? He says that they are enslaved and come from the African continent.
What does the author mean by the expression " to have done with childish days"?
to grow up and be mature; to not take things as a child would.
When the author says, " The lightly proffered laurel, the easy ungrudged days"...WHAT IS HE SAYING ABOUT THE WHITE MAN'S BURDEN?
That it is easy and not vulnerable; they are unaffected by wickedness or harsh words; everything given it ungrudged or unprovoked.
What is the authors purpose in writing this poem?
to warn of the difficulties that come with ruling a foreign country
What does the author mean in the first stanza when he talks about "Send forth ye best breed"? a. animals b. children c. men and women d. horses
c. men and women
Describe in 2-3 sentences the ways that the author described the difficulties in ruling a foreign country
He talks about speaking of old rewards that come from rulers previously governing. 3rd stanza:
Reflect upon the picture in the story " White Man's Burden". Where are these people from?
The Phillipine Island of Mindanao
folly means....?
playful; whimsical
You can infer from the poem that the White Man thinks he is a. being judged unfairly by others b. taking unfair advantage of others c. less capable than the people he works for d. more civilized than the people he rules over.
more civilized than the people he rules over
Why does the author capitalize "Freedom" in the 6th stanza?
To punctuate the fact that Freedom to these people represented a place for all good and the Promised Land
Describe the photo on the first page
Ealy 20th century inhabitants of the shores of Lake Lanao on the Phillippine Island of Mindanao. Dark colored men, women and children stading in the middle of what appears to be a field or their homeland.
What is the author's name?
Rudyard Kipling
savage means....?
beastly; uncivilized; mean spirited
Do you think that the author himself feels that HE, ( the author) is better than the people pictured in the passage?
No, because he mentions that the White Man's burden is actually himself. He is very modest in his poem. He is white.
When the author says he wants to veil the threat of terror, what does he mean?
To hide the terror or to not show; to not reveal
How does the author describe the people who are actually working as servants in a new land ruled by WHITE MAN.
But toil of serf and sweeper- the tale of common things, The ports ye shall not enter; the roads ye shall not tread, Go make them with your living, and mark them with your dead. STANZA 4