New Features
Improved Features
Real-time Collaboration

Who is the Product Manager for the Whiteboards feature?

Zach Blodgett!


Where will you find the new undo/redo button?

On the right side of the toolbar.


True or False: You will find 4 different line types (dotted, dashed, etc) for both the Draw and Highlighter tools (not talking about thickness).

False. The there is only one type of line for the highlighter tool. You will, however, find 4 different line types for the Draw tool.


Define Real-time collaboration.

Real-time collaboration refers to the synchronized and seamless interaction and collaboration between employees on different projects, tasks, files, or documents where they communicate and share feedback, ideas, and information almost instantly, regardless of geographical boundary.


True or False: With Whiteboards 3.0, you will not see an improvement in performance.

False! You will see 10x improvement in performance.


Using the /Whiteboard command in a ClickUp Doc provides you with what two action options?

Mention a Whiteboard

Create a Whiteboard


How many font options do you have on a sticky note on a Whiteboard?

4: Handwritten, sans serif, Serif, Mono.


Name one Whiteboard feature that directly aids in real-time collaboration.

Laser tool. 

Real-time, temporary chat tool.


We officially announced that we were launching a Whiteboards feature at one of our LevelUp events! What year was this?



What does it mean for a Whiteboard to be location-less?

Location-less Whiteboards refer to whiteboards that are not tied to a specific location within the ClickUp hierarchy. This means they can be used in various contexts such as comments, documents, or chats without being restricted to a particular Space, Folder, or List.


True or False: You will find the same color options for connectors, sticky notes, shapes, and draw tool.

True. There are 9 color options and they are all the same.


Describe why a Whiteboard is a key feature for real-time collaboration?

Any answer that speaks to the following:

A whiteboard is a great place to brainstorm because it provides a flexible and visual space where team members can freely express their ideas, draw diagrams, and make connections between concepts. It allows for real-time collaboration, enabling participants to build on each other's ideas instantly. Features like sticky notes, shapes, connectors, and the ability to embed documents and tasks make it easy to organize and structure thoughts.


True or False: You will not be able to convert existing Whiteboards on the legacy version, to Whiteboards 3.0.



What is the keyboard shortcut for turning on Dark Mode/Light Mode on your Whiteboard?

Command + /


Where will you find the option to get rid of/show the grid on the Whiteboard?

Within your Layout Options.


Why is it helpful to see real-time cursor movements on a Whiteboard?

This allows team members to see exactly where others are focusing their attention. It also helps in pointing out specific areas during discussions, making the collaborative process more efficient and engaging.


Name the collaborative drawing tool we have integrated into our Whiteboards.



Define/describe what a Whiteboard Frame is.

A frame on a Whiteboard allows users to create walled-in containers that act like windows. This helps in organizing and structuring content within a Whiteboard more effectively, making it easier to manage and visualize different sections of your Whiteboard.


Describe/define what the Always Snap tool preference is on the Whiteboard.

The "always snap" feature in ClickUp Whiteboards ensures that elements you are placing on the Whiteboard automatically align to the dotted grid. With this feature enabled, you will see a red line appear when something is lined up.


The collaborative software market is expected to hit roughly how much ($$) by 2029?

Roughly $7 billion ($6.77 billion)