What is Whitney's middle name?
What day did Harrison propose?
October 17, 2024
What are two nicknames of Whitney's first boyfriend
Daddy Payne, DP, Window Payne, Botlord 3000
Who is Whitney's favorite cat (bonus 100 for his full name)
Gus Meowzon
What is Whitney's love language?
Acts of service.
Where did Whitney go to high school
Westminster Christian Academy
Where did Harrison & Whitney have their first kiss? How was she standing?
On her front porch with one foot in the air.
What year of college did Whitney buy her first thong (AKA when did we corrupt her)
sophomore year
Who did Whitney intern for in DC summer of 2021
Senator Shelby
What was Whitney's first cats name
Who was Whitney named after?
Dale & her grandmother (Dales middle name is Whitney, grandmother is Louise)
How old was Whitney when she was baptized?