- Wrote the Prince
- Explained how a man should create a stable society through persevering order and security
-Faith Alone
-Priesthood of all Believers
- Bible is ultimate authority
Martin Luther
- natural rights (life, liberty, property)
- Tabula Rasa
- believed in the social contract
John Locke
- France
- Sun King
- Versailles
Louis XIV
- saw a supernova
- concluded the Earth was changing
Tycho Brahe
- Wrote the Courtier
- 101 on how to be proper and well rounded
- Sovereignty of God
- Predestination
- "the elect"
John Calvin
- promoted capitalism
- "invisible hand"
- a hero to Girondins
Adam Smith
- Built St. Petersburg
- Forced modernization in Russia
- Old Believers hated him
Peter the Great
- discover scientific method
- empiricism
Francis Bacon
- Wrote In Praise of Folly
- education is the means to intellectual improvement
- tried to reform the catholic church from within
- 44 year reign
- Merged catholic ideas and Calvinist ideas
- England
Queen Elizabeth
- direct democracy
- noble savage
- "man is born free yet everywhere is in chains"
Jean - Jacques Rousseau
- wrote leviathan
- rejected divine right
- state of nature - no gov
Thomas Hobbes
- believed in reason
- cartesian doubt
- cogito ergo sum
Rene Descartes
- Greatest artist of the Renaissance
- Painted using individualism, secularism, and humanism
Leonardo Da Vinci
- A Politique
- Edict of Nantes
- Originally Hunget converted to catholic
Henry IV
- rejected democracy
- believed in empiricism
- believed in religious toleration
- deeply calivinist
- militarized prussia
- created general directory
Fredrick William "Soldier King"
- proved that the earth moves in ellipses rather than circles
John Kepler
Jean Bodin
- Rejected infant baptism
- called for separation of church and state
- wrote encyclopedia
-free inquiry
Denis Diderot
- rejected property
- communist utopia
(hint: a group of people)
- discovered the circulatory system
William Hervey