Observation and Assessment Chapter 11
DAP Chapter 3
Special Needs Chapter 5
Guiding Young Children Chapter 8
Culture Chapter 6
For observation to be most effective, teachers should:
What is: think about what they will be looking for during the observation beforehand. Teachers should have an idea as to what they are looking for in regards to specific children and actions during an observation. However, teachers should also remain flexible and prepared for anything during the observation.
Teachers successfully engage in developmentally appropriate practice in the classroom when they ___________________ and help children reach challenging and achievable goals. Teach what is "typical" for an age range Set very high expectations for children Maintain low expectations Meet children where they are
What is: Meet children where they are. By meeting children where they are, a teacher shows his or her awareness of the range of capabilities and learning styles in the classroom. This awareness helps teachers plan challenging and achievable goals for each child. Taken together, these teaching skills are aspects of developmentally appropriate practice.
The principle found in IDEA that states that every child deserves an education and no child is to be excluded from an educational opportunity is referred to as:
What is zero reject. Before IDEA was created, many children received sub-par education or were completely denied education because of their disabilities. IDEA gives every child (i.e., "zero reject") the opportunity to receive the education they deserve.
If a child hits another child because the other child took a toy away from him and the teacher recognizes that the hitting was because the child has limited language, then that teacher would probably use which term to describe the hitting behavior?
What is Mistaken Behavior
What consists of values, beliefs, and patterns of behavior that are passed on from generation to generation?
What is Culture
This is the most important assessment tool that an early education teacher can develop and use.
What is conducting systematic observations. Systematic observation is the foundation of effective, developmentally appropriate assessment. Because young children have limited abilities to write or communicate answers verbally, teachers must develop other ways to assess children's learning. Observing children across time and settings provides important assessment information.
Being purposeful, thoughtful, and prepared are characteristics of the:
What is intentional teacher. When teachers plan curriculum with purpose, they are being intentional in their teaching. Intentional teachers organize the environment, choose specific materials, and adapt plans for individual children. At the same time, they are thoughtful throughout the day, maximizing teachable moments that arise.
IDEA calls for children with disabilities to be placed in: their home with a tutor the least restrictive placement or environment. an environment with peers of similar capabilities. a placement with just a one-on-one educator.
What is the least restrictive placement or environment. IDEA requires that students with disabilities be educated in the least restrictive environment, which usually means integrated in a classroom with students without disabilities to the greatest extent possible. Approximately 80 percent of children with disabilities are best suited to be educated in a regular classroom.
Which of the following is not an appropriate strategy for preventing or intervening bulling? Ignore the situation and allow the children to work out their own problems even if they ask for help Closely monitor and supervise Model positive use of power and problem solving Providing warm and involved relationships with children
What is Ignore the situation and allow the children to work out their own problems even if they ask for help
What is the difference between ethnicity and race?
What is Ethnicity is the shared characteristic of a group of people and is connected to the geographic origin of a group. Race is
Which of the following is not recommended by NAEYC as a beneficial purpose of assessment in early childhood education? Evaluating the quality of an early childhood program Making decisions about teaching and learning Providing access to early intervention services Measuring kindergarten readiness
What is Measuring kindergarten readiness
According to the NAEYC 2009 guidelines, for developmentally appropriate practice, the job of an early childhood teacher has ________ interrelated dimensions.
What is five The job of an early childhood teacher has five interrelated dimensions: (1) creating a caring community of learners, (2) teaching to enhance learning and development, (3) planning curriculum to achieve important goals, (4) assessing children's learning and development, and (5) establishing reciprocal relationships with families.
Adjusting the approach and level of difficulty of the curriculum without changing the content is referred to as:
What is differentiating the instruction A teacher adjusts the approaches used in teaching a concept in order to promote the learning of children with varying abilities in a given classroom. Differentiated instruction is important in meeting the needs of the students and can give children of all abilities the chance to perform to their best ability.
When a teacher says to a child, "Let's go over here to dig in the sand" when two children want to dig in the same area, what strategy is the teacher using to support positive behavior in the classroom?
What is Redirection
With regard to communication styles, which type of culture relies on facial expressions, gestures, and physical cues rather than words?
What is High-Context Culture
Miss Huff is about to meet with Marcus' parents. She brings out a folder in which she has collected several journal entries that Marcus has written along with a few of his drawings and photographs of block structures he has built over the past two months. Miss Huff is sharing what form of assessment with Marcus' parents?
What is: Portfolio The collection of Marcus' work, including his writing, art, and photos of his block building, is an example of the portfolio approach to assessment. Ideally, Miss Huff will have organized these materials in a meaningful way to show Marcus' parents his learning and development over time.
Gabe often speaks with the child care provider when he drops off his toddler daughter for the day. He might describe how his daughter slept the night before and how much she ate that morning. The caregiver uses the information from Gabe to guide her interactions and care of the child that day. The child care provider is exhibiting which quality in NAEYC's guidelines?
What is Establishing reciprocal relationship with families. Gabe and the caregiver are demonstrating a reciprocal relationship. In such a relationship, both parties feel that they can speak freely and without judgment in regards to the child being cared for. Gabe feels comfortable sharing information about his daughter each morning, and the caregiver uses what Gabe says to help optimize her care of the child. Reciprocal relationships allow for the best care and support to be given to the child.
Which of the following refers to children learning effectively within their everyday routines and activities? Special education Specialized instruction Natural learning environments Inclusion
What is Natural learning environments Natural learning environments are places where children spend most of their time while at school and are the settings for children to learn within the context of their everyday routines. Children with special needs are most successful in their natural learning environments.
Which emotional literacy strategy is a teacher using when he says, "I know you are disappointed that it is time to clean-up the blocks. You were having so much fun"?
What is Labeling the child's feelings
If a teacher were to plan his curriculum where the class would discuss the peoples dress, food, and holidays of another culture and then return to the "normal" curriculum, what type of approach to curriculum would he be said to be using?
What is Tourist Curriculum
How is assessment related to accountability in an early childhood program? Assessments provide a way for teachers to show parents, legislatures, and the public the growth in their students and progress that has been made. Assessment ensure that the early childhood program is held accountable for bettering the education of its attendees. The accountability of any early childhood program depends solely on the results of assessment. Accountability indicates the kinds of assessments that should be conducted in an early childhood program.
What is: Assessments provide a way for teachers to show parents, legislatures, and the public the growth in their students and progress that has been made. Teachers are expected to teach all children so that they achieve at or above grade level. Assessments provide a way for teachers to show that they are meeting this goal. In addition, assessments demonstrate whether children are achieving the learning goals that have been identified.
Developmentally appropriate practice reflects knowledge of three dimensions. What are they and what is one example of each?
What is: Understand child development and learning Know the strengths, interests, and needs of each child Understand the social and cultural contexts in which children live
Which of the following is true about the development of social relationships in inclusive classrooms? Young children ages three to five typically do not encounter social problems in the classroom. Children typically arrange play-related activities themselves, thereby encouraging natural friendship formation. Preschool children naturally acquire social skills that help them develop friendships. Early friendships can be facilitated through specific teacher interventions and strategies.
What is Early friendships can be facilitated through specific teacher interventions and strategies. Having positive interactions with peers and developing friendships are challenging tasks for young children. Many children, particularly those with special needs, need special support from teachers in building peer relationships. Teachers can facilitate social skills and friendship formation using modeling, prompting, rehearsal, and practice.
According to Strain and Hammeter, what can teachers do so that they become more comfortable with disturbing behavior?
What is Focus on small successes and avoid blaming parents or other uncontrollable events
What type of early childhood curriculum includes learning experiences and teaching strategies that are specifically designed to counter the stereotyping of diverse groups and to guard against expressions of bias?
What is Anti-bias Curriculum