What is Mary's sons name?
What is Jesus
What was Jesus' first miracle?
What is water into wine?
Why did Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem?
What a census
Name 3 Prayers in the Rosary?
(Answers may vary)
Who came to Mary to ask her if she would be the mother of Jesus?
What is Angle Gabriel
How old was Jesus when he was preaching in the temple?
What is 12?
What was Joseph's job?
What is a carpenter?
What is the last prayer in the Rosary?
What is the Hail Holy Queen?
How many Hail Mary's do you say in the rosary?
What is 53
Who was standing with Mary watching Jesus' crucifixion?
What is John the disciple whom Jesus loved?
What was Joseph's Relationship with Jesus?
What is Earthy Father?
What is the First Prayer said in the Rosary?
What is the Apostles Creed?
What are Mary's parents names?
What is Joachim, and Anne
What station of the cross is Mary in ?
What is the 4th?
Who was Joseph a decent of?
What is King David
How many Our Fathers are in the Rosary?
What is 6
How did Mary Conceive Jesus without sin?
What is immaculate conception?
Why didn't Mary, and Joseph realize that Jesus was missing right away on there way home from the temple in Jerusalem?
What is they assumed he was traveling with relatives?
What did an angle try to stop Joseph from doing?
What is divorcing Mary?
What are the 4 mysteries of the Rosary?
What is Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and the Luminous.