How do you spell Ms. V's last name?
Does Ms. V prefer to read the book or watch the movie?
Watch the movie
Does Ms. V have any pets?
A Cat
Coffee or Tea
How tall is Ms. V?
How old is Ms. V?
What type of arts and crafts is Ms. V's favorite? (hint: it's either painting, embroidery, or DIY)
How many siblings does Ms. V have?
Two (brother and sister)
What is Ms. V's favorite color?
What sport did Ms. V do in high school?
Swimming (bonus: how long was her swimming career?)
How long has Ms. V been teaching?
This is her 1st year!
What type of exercise does Ms. V love? (hint: running, crossfit, spin class, or water aerobics)
Is Ms. V the oldest, middle, or youngest of her siblings?
What is Ms. V's favorite season?
What is Ms. V's favorite pizza topping? (hint: it's not a basic topping)
BBQ chicken
When is Ms. V's birthday? (hint: she's a scorpio)
November 15th
What is Ms. V's most listened to genre of music?
Pop (preferably throwbacks)
What town did Ms. V grow up in?
Columbia City
Which movie series is Ms. V's favorite: marvel, star wars, or harry potter?
Marvel (bonus: who is her favorite character?)
How many tattoos does Ms. V have?
Just one
What is Ms. V's first name? (hint: it starts with "M")
Is Ms. V a better cook or baker?
What school did Ms. V and her Brother graduate college from?
Ball State
What is Ms. V's favorite band of all time?
One Direction (bonus: who is her favorite member?)
What does Ms. V collect? (hint: funko pops, records, movies, or squishmallows)