a bank account that you use to keep and save money saving acouns
saving account
give the opposite meaning: Clever
give the synonym: Clever
an occasion when you travel from one place to another especially when there is a long distance between the places: We had a long journey ahead of us.
journey (n)
записать новый альбом
to record new album
обследование организма
check up
give money to somebody for a period of time, afa which they give it back lent mon money
lend money
give the opposite meaning: broad-minded
narrow minded
the activity of travelling: Foreign travel never really appealed to him until he retired. Our agency deals mostly with business travel.
travel (n)
сцена была эмоциональная .
the scene was emotional.
я измеряю давление регулярно
I take blood pressure regularly
amount of money you have to pay a bank for the services that they give you
bank charges
give the opposite meaning: tactless
an occasion when you go somewhere and come back again: a fishing/camping/sightseeing trip
trip (n)
The book/film that is very interesting or exciting
жирная и переработанная еда содержит соль и сахар в большом количестве
fatty food and processed food is high in salt and suger.
art to owe money
get into debt
give the synonym: gifted
a long journey, especially by boat or into space: the long voyage home
voyage (n)
images or sounds that you can see and hear on your computer at the same time at they are happening
live sreams
Специальные уколы облегчили симптомы
special injections relived the symptoms
written statement saying how much money you received owe for goods or services you have recieved
give the opposite meaning:bad -tempered
good natured/ easy going
The _____ to my village takes just 20 minutes