Who is your counselor?
What does the counselor do?
How to see the counselor?
Counselor Facts

What is the name of your counselor at Riceville?

Mrs. Bohr


True or False:

The counselor helps you learn how to explore, name, and cope with your feelings.



True or False:

Teachers or parents/guardians might request that the counselor meets with a student for individual counseling. 



True or False: 

The counselor will make you see her, even if you do not want to. 


I will never make you spend time with me if you do not want to (besides our guidance classes) - having your own choice is important to me!


Who is this? What is her job at our school?

Mrs. Raddatz - our school social worker!

She will be at our school on Mondays & Thursdays. You can find her in my office or the boardroom (next to my office!)


What school did Mrs. Bohr attend to become a counselor? 

University of Northern Iowa


True or False:

The counselor only focuses on your weaknesses and tells you what you are doing wrong.

Super Duper False!

I focus on your strengths and how you can use those as a superpower to help you succeed! 


What days will Mrs. Bohr be at school this year? 

ALL of them! 


Using your knowledge from last year's guidance lessons, what are some topics you might GUESS we could cover in our classroom lessons?

A. Stress and Coping Skills

B. Friendship

C. Leadership

D. Conflict Resolution

E. All of the Above

E. All of the Above (AND MORE!)

I will cover whatever you need help with! 


What NFL football team does Mrs. Bohr like?

Minnesota Vikings


True or False:

Mrs. Bohr does not like helping people. She thinks helping people is annoying, and she does not know anything about how to help people. 


I love to help people! I NEVER think helping is annoying. I have spent many years learning how to help people, and if something isn't working, I will always try something new to learn how to best help you. 


What can the counselor help you with?

A. Anxiety

B. Self-Esteem

C. Relationships

D. Anger

E. All of the Above 

E. All of the Above - plus many, many more!

Bonus points: 1 point per additional thing you list! 


Which of the following is NOT a way to reach out to Mrs. Bohr?

A. Talk to your teacher and receive permission to visit the counselor's office. 

B. Leave class without telling anyone. 

C. Tell a parent/guardian that you would like them to reach out to the counselor for you. 


Always get permission to leave class and visit the counselor. Your teacher should call Mrs. Bohr to make sure it is an OK time for you to come!


What is the one area that the counselor is NOT responsible for?

A. Helping with emergencies

B. Discipline

C. Working with teachers and families if necessary

D. Providing a space to work through struggles 

B. Counselors are not responsible for disciplining students. You are never in trouble when you come to the counselor. Together, we can work on how to make better choices in the future. 


Where is Mrs. Bohr's office? (give specific directions)

Mrs. Bohr will decide if you are correct/get the points. :)


What are some of the things that Mrs. Bohr likes? List any that you can remember. 

Playing with her dogs, spending time with friends and family, snuggling my baby, being outside, softball, and painting!


A school counselor listens to your problems and then tells you exactly what you should do to fix them. 

Yes or No?


We work TOGETHER to create solutions. 


If possible, what do I need to make sure I have done before I visit the counselor? 

Try being a problem solver FIRST, then reach out for help. 

Get help ASAP if it's an emergency. 


True or False:

If you visit Mrs. Bohr, you may be offered games, fidgets, and/or creative activities to help explore feelings and learn coping skills. 


Playing and creating are great ways to explore what you're feeling and learn new skills.


What is Mrs. Bohr's favorite color?



What is the curriculum called that we use for guidance lessons?



List 3 ways the counselor can help you at school

Individual Counseling, Group Counseling, Classroom Visits, Careers, schedules, bullying, being kind, etc.


True or False:

The counselor can only help students who have big problems. 

"Smaller" problems are not important. 


All problems are important, valid, and worthy of outside help if you want or need it. 


Select the times the counselor is required to break confidentiality:

A. Someone is hurting you.

B. You want to hurt yourself.

C. You want to hurt someone else. 

D. Someone else is hurt. 

E. You give permission to share. 

F. ALL of the above. 

ALL of the above

Counselors are required to tell in those circumstances to keep people safe. 

The safety of you and others is my priority!


What is Mrs. Bohr's baby's name?
