The Basics
Academics & Careers
Fun Facts About Miss Sinkhorn
Your school counselor's office is located...
Next to the speech room , computer lab, and the Grand Avenue/Car Rider doors -or- Room 29, across from Mrs. Wildman and the Rainbow Room
The adult in the building that will listen to your problems is called the ____________ ______________.
What is a school counselor?
Is it ok to get angry?
What is yes, everyone gets angry, it is what you do with your anger that is important.
What is a career?
What is something you work towards for your future? This is a job that will provide income.
How many pets does Miss Sinkhorn have?
None, but she has lots of plant pets :)
If you need to see the school counselor, what do you do?
What is ask your teacher during non-instructional time or leave a note in my mailbox in the morning on the way to class?
Is Ms. Sinkhorn allowed to tell your teachers and friends what you talk about in her office?
What is NO!!! Only with your permission or if you are in danger.
What can you do if you are feeling sad?
What is talk to the school counselor, go for a walk, keep a diary, talk to a friend, etc.
Can you see the school counselor if you have trouble with school work?
What is YES!!
Miss Sinkhorn's favorite food is?
What is ICE CREAM?
Classroom Counseling is...
What is a time to talk about making good choices, character, testing, making friends, setting goals, etc.
Name some times you may want to talk to the school counselor.
What is if there is a death of someone you love, arguments with friends, feeling sad/lonely, being bullied, etc..
Name ways to be a good friend.
What is respectful language, be a friend to them, etc.
Why is it important to graduate from high school?
What is get a better job or career? You will need a high school diploma for college acceptance.
Miss Sinkhorn favorite sports team is...
Who are the Pittsburgh Steelers, Pirates, or Penguins?
Confidentiality means...
What is keeping things secret unless someone is hurting you or you want to hurt yourself, or a time when drugs/alcohol are involved?
If you are dealing with a bully, should you tell a grownup or keep it a secret?
What is tell an adult!
What sort of things does your counselor keep in her office?
What is, tools to help you calm down, games, art supplies, and books?
These are some ways to study for a test...
What is flashcards, getting someone to quiz you, rereading the material?
Miss Sinkhorn's favorite activities are what?
What are reading, cycling/hiking, watching sports, eating ice cream, spending time with family, building or redoing things, and traveling?
When the counselors get a few students together to talk about a specific topic that is called ___________ counseling.
What is group counseling?
If a friend tells you a secret that he/she is being hurt or abused, should you keep that secret?
What is no, tell a grownup to get them help!
True or False: The school counselor can help you set goals and work to achieve them.
What is true?
Why is it important to be organized?
So you can find what you need, be able to turn in homework, make better grades?
Miss Sinkhorn's favorite superhero is...
Who is Captain America?