True or False
Multiple Choice
The school counselor works with parents, teachers, and principals to help students do their best in school.
What is true?
I set up a time to talk to Mrs. Bricker by doing this.
What is ask the teacher to meet with her? Fill out a referral form. Ask Mrs. Bricker during the day at an appropriate time (before school, during lunch, recess, etc)
During guidance class, Mrs. Bricker teaches us about: a) Reading b) Math c) Life Skills, like bullying and listening d) Science
What is c) Life Skills?
My dad has been hitting me every time I come home from school. I have bruises all over my arms and legs. I should do this.
What is tell the counselor or a trusted adult?
Name a way that a school counselor is different than a principal.
What is they don't discipline students?
After I meet with Mrs. Bricker, she calls my parents and tells them everything I said.
What is false?
How can we be good listeners?
What is eyes on the teacher, sitting up straight, paying attention?
You are having a problem with a friend or classmate. The first thing you should do is: a) Tell the teacher b) Talk to the principal c) Ask to see the counselor d) Try to talk with your friend or classmate
What is d) Try to talk with your friend or classmate?
If Mrs. Bricker is not in her office, I can do this.
What is check the sign on her door to see where she is, leave a note under her door, or ask my teacher to visit her at a different time.
Police officer, lawyer, doctor, teacher, dentist, construction worker, chef, pilot, and soldier are all examples of this. (Hint: The answer is not jobs!)
What is a career?
A good counselor can tell you EXACTLY what to do in any problem situation.
What is false?
Name at least 3 ways to be a good friend.
What are listen to them, be respectful, share things with them, be honest with them, etc?
Bobby will not stop teasing me and making fun of me. I have been crying about it every day. Which of these people can help me? a) My teacher b) My Parent c) Mrs. Bricker d) All of the above
What is d) All of the above?
One of your classmates is stealing snacks from another classmate. They ask you to help cover for them. You should do what?
What is tell the student that what they are doing is wrong, tell your teacher, and tell them you are not going to lie for them?
Anger, frustration, sadness, happiness, joy, guilt, jealousy, pride and embarrassment are all examples of this.
What are feelings?
My friend and I keep getting into fights. I am so upset about it and can't focus on my school work. If I tell Mrs. Bricker about it, she is going to tell my friend and my teacher.
What is false?
These are ways to stop bullying.
What are be an upstander, use kind words, and include others?
Which of these are good ways to prepare for a test? a) flashcards b) get someone to quiz you c) reread the material d) all of the above
What is d) all of the above?
Name two possible problem situations a student might have that he or she can talk over with the counselor.
What are conflict with friends, test anxiety, death of a loved one, parent divorce, etc.
Name three objects in Mrs. Bricker's office that can be used with students who are upset, angry, frustrated, bored, etc.
What are sand, stress balls, playdoh, paint, etc?
If someone is hurting me, if I am hurting someone else, or if I am hurting myself, Mrs. Bricker will keep this a secret. She won't tell anyone about it.
What is false?
Confidentiality means this.
What is keeping information a secret unless someone is being hurt?
Mrs. Bricker helps and works with who? a) Students who are having problems b) Only the smartest students c) All Fishing Creek students d) Only the students who ask for help e) Only students who are sent by their teachers
What is c) All Fishing Creek students
A friend confides in you with something very personal. You want to respect them and keep their secret, but you are also worried that someone might get hurt if you keep the information a secret. What should you do?
What is tell a trusted adult and ask them for advice on how to help?
It is important to be organized for these reasons.
What is to find what you need, be able to turn in homework, make better grades?