Who is your school counselor and where is her office located?
Mrs. Stickle is your school counselor. Her office is located in the tech room.
The adult in the building that will listen to your problems is called the ____________ ______________.
The school counselor.
Is it OK to get angry?
Yes! Everyone gets angry. It is what you do with your anger that is important. This year we will spend time learning together about strategies you can use to cool down when you are feeling angry.
True or false: Having goals is an important part of getting ready for the future.
True! Your goals will help you move closer to accomplishing your mission. A goal is something you really want to accomplish.
Can you see the school counselor if you are having trouble in your classes?
Yes! If you need help, the school counselor is there to help you make your own decisions about the best strategies to manage your time, stay organized, and succeed in class.
If you need to see the school counselor, what do you do?
Ask your teacher, ask Ms. Chantal, or leave me a note in my office in the morning on the way to class.
Is Mrs. Stickle allowed to tell your teachers and friends what you talk about in her office?
NO!!! What you share is confidential - within limits. Confidential means that means I will not share what you tell me with anyone, UNLESS: Someone is hurting you, you want to hurt someone, or you want to hurt yourself. In those cases, I need to make sure you are safe.
What can you do if you are feeling sad?
Talk to the school counselor or another trusted adult. Exercise. Keep a diary, talk to a friend, etc. Read a good book. Color. Talk to a friend.
True or False, is a job the same thing as a career?
False. A job is anything you do for money, while a career is something that may require special training, or a college degree, and is an occupation regarded as a long-term or lifelong activity.
How can we be good listeners?
A good listener is valued. Here are some ways to be a good listener: Make eye contact with the person who is speaking to you. Sit up straight. Don't interrupt - let the speaker finish. If you don't understand what they said, tell them right away. Be ready to explain to someone what you just heard. Care about what is being said. Respond by asking questions. Don't change the subject.
What is school counseling?
School counseling is a time to talk about making good choices and how to have good habits and attitudes. It is also a time to talk about yourself and how you will shape your future.
Name some times you may want to talk to the school counselor.
If there is a death of someone you love, arguments with friends, feeling sad/lonely, being bullied, if you are getting low grades in your classes and you would like to do something about that.
Name ways to be a good friend.
Use respectful language. Be a friend to them by including them in your games. Be trustworthy. Apologize when you've made a mistake. Be dependable. If a friend is in real trouble, you can tell an adult you trust.
Why is it important to graduate from high school?
To get a better job or career, you will need a high school diploma for so you can move on to college, training for trades, or the military. It is also helpful if you start your own business.
Name some ways to study for a test.
Flashcards. Get someone to quiz you. Reread the material. Pretend to be the teacher and explain the material to someone else. If it helps you to remember things when you move, you can make up a game with your parents where you get to make one shot for every right answer.
What is confidentiality?
Confidentiality is keeping secrets that are told to you. You should keep secrets UNLESS someone is hurting you or you want to hurt yourself, or you want to hurt someone else.
If you are dealing with a bully, should you tell a grownup or keep it a secret?
Tell a trusted adult!
True or false: Knowing who you are and what you like and dislike will make you a better student? Why?
True. Knowing what you like makes you able to build on these skills and use them to your advantage. Knowing what you dislike can also be a strength because people usually dislike things they are weak in. Knowing this helps you work to become better at it.
Why is it just as important to talk about apprenticeships, the military, the non-profit sector (government or schools, organizations that help others like United Way) and private businesses as it is to talk about college?
Apprenticeships, the military, the non-profit sector and private business all offer careers. Not everyone sees college in their future. It is important for everyone, however, to know that they need more training after high school to have a career they enjoy that also helps to provide for them and their family.
Why is it important to try your best?
To be the best you can be!
You are a very shy person and would much rather be by yourself than to be among people. You don't like being called on for fear of being made fun of. How can the school counselor help you in this situation?
There are a number of things we can do. We can build a network of friends that can help you feel more like part of the group. I can teach you social skills that you can use to feel comfortable participating.
If a friend tells you a secret that he/she is being hurt or abused, should you keep that secret?
No, tell a grownup to get them help! Writing it down on a piece of paper and putting it on your teacher's desk is an option. You can also tell me directly.
True of False? As the School Counselor, my job is to solve the problems of the student and make all problems go away.
False. It is the counselor's job to teach autonomy, which means independence. We will talk out the issue and you will make the final decision about what will work and what will not work.
Why will we do career exploration activities that help you assess your strengths, values, interests, and academic habits?
You must prepare today to enter the work force tomorrow. You must know what you are interested in, finish high school, and prepare to enter college or other training and study hard. Knowing your strengths, values, interests, and academic habits helps you to decide what career you want. We will also explore how you fit into your community now, and in your future.
Why is important to be organized?
To find what you need, be able to turn in homework, make better grades.