Who is your counselor?
What does the counselor do?
How to see the counselor?
Counselor Facts

What is your STA counselor's name?

Mrs. Durkee


True or False:

The counselor helps you learn how to understand and cope with your feeling and problem solve.



True or False:

Teachers or parents/guardians might request that the counselor meets with a student 



True or False: 

The counselor will make you see her, even if you do not want to. 


I will not make you meet with me if you do not want to (except when I teach your class).  Even if we have a scheduled meeting, you can let me know if it is not a good time to meet.


What school did Mrs. Durkee attend to become a counselor? 

University of Notre Dame


True or False:

The counselor only sees you if you get in trouble in class.


I can help for lots of different reasons; it can be about emotions, friendships, worries, school stress, home stress and many more.


What days will Mrs. Durkee be at school this year? 

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.


What year did Mrs. Durkee start at STA as the school counselor?



Why did Mrs. Durkee become a counselor?

She loves to talking with people and helping them.   I especially like students! 


Name three topics that a counselor might teach you about in class.

 Mrs. Durkee will decide if you get the point!

(Possible answers, communication, conflict, anger, bullying, getting along with others, handling emotions, handling stress, problem-solving)


What is helpful for a student to do when participating in counseling with Mrs. Durkee?

Try to be open and honest, and practice the solutions that we come up with together.


When I teach in your class, what are some expectations I have?

Pay attention, Participate, be respectful of classmates.


Why is Mrs. Durkee a Detroit Lions fan, a Green Bay Packer fan AND a Michigan Wolverine fan?

I grew up in Detroit, my husband is from Wisconsin, and I went to University of Michigan for my Bachelor degree.


A school counselor helps with social and emotional development, but does NOT help students with skills that help you be successful in school.

True or False


I can assist students in figuring out ways to plan for homework, organize school stuff, ask your teachers for help and more!


Where is my office in the school?

Attached to Mrs. Nobach's office near the kindergarten classrooms.


What does confidentiality mean?

It means that what you say in the counselor's office is private and is not shared with others.  


What are some of the things that Mrs. Durkee likes to do when not at school? List any that you can remember.

I love dogs, spending time with friends and family, being outside, and watching WNBA games.


Besides meeting with a student, or teaching an SEL class, where else might you see Mrs. Durkee at school?

In the hallways, having quiet lunch, on the playground, in the lunchroom, meeting with parents or teachers.  

Sometimes helping in the main office!


Which of the following is NOT a way to reach out to Mrs.Durkee?

A. Talk to your teacher and receive permission to visit the counselor's office. 

B. Leave class without telling anyone. 

C.  Ask to meet with me if you see me in the hallways so I can arrange it.

D. Tell a parent that you would like them to reach out to the counselor for you.


Always get permission to leave class and visit the counselor. Your teacher can call the office or Mrs. Durkee to make sure it is an OK time for you to come!


In what situation are there exceptions to confidentiality?

If you or someone else is getting hurt or harmed in some way, the counselor will need to tell someone to get help.