My full name
What is Czyra Driz Basilig Calderon?
My favorite color
What is yellow?
Whether I’m an introvert or extrovert
What is Introvert?
My first crush
Who is Jakob Balonggay?
My favorite pizza
The place I had been dreaming to go to even as a little girl
Where is Paris, France?
My birthday
When is April 11, 2006?
My favorite band or artist
Who is Laufey?
If I prefer mornings or nights
What are nights?
The word i keep mispronouncing as a kid
What is uniform/ stop?
The languages I can speak and understand (both fluent and not)
What is English, Tagalog, French, and Japanese?
The job I wanted as a kid but no longer do.
What is a veterinarian, teacher, or chef?
My zodiac sign
What is Aries?
Favorite season
My least favorite subject
What is history?
The first school I attended
What is Small World Christian School?
My shoe size
What is 7?
A sport or physical activity I’d like to try.
What is Ice skating?
What is 5'2?
My favorite hobby
What is reading?
My biggest pet peeve
What is saliva/ anything gross?
My first birthday party
Where is Pizza Hut?
The superpower I'd choose
What is time manipulation?
The business or store I’d open if I could.
What is a cafe bookstore?
My favorite food
What is everything?
My love language
What is quality time?
My top #1 favorite show (even as a kid)
The number of (US) States I have visited
What is 28 states? (Accepted if 25-30)
My dream car as a kid
What is a yellow Lamborghini?