who was berkleys first kiss?
bryson bawden
who does berkley hangout with the most?
katelee mcarthur
what concert was berkleys favorite?
the first benson boone
how many goals did berkley score on JV freshman year?
what is berkleys favorite color?
who was berkleys first actual boyfriend?
drew watson
who is berkleys current best friend?
emery goodman
who is berkleys favorite artist?
tai verdes
what happened during the West game sophomore year that is always brought up?
tripping over stick and falling on face
what is berkleys favorite food?
chicken caesar salad
who was the last person berkley kissed?
boston darger
who was berkleys friend group in the end of 9th grade?
the hotties (carter, allie, ava, camryn jack, carson, bryson, tate, kyle, summer, ellie, etc)
who was berkleys #1 artist on apple wrapped?
benson boone
what is berkleys fastest mile time?
what is berkleys favorite class?
who does berkley currently like?
corom aldama or bryson miller
who was berkleys best friend at the beginning on sophomore year?
carter nelson
how many concerts has berkley been to?
who is berkleys favorite teammate to be around?
sela tafisi
how much does berkley bar squat?
who did berkley like after her and carter broke up?
kyson russel
who is berkleys #1 on snap?
bryson miller
what is berkleys favorite song?
last day on earth by tai verdes
what is berkleys stick called?
STX crux 600
what is berkleys favorite movie?
mamma mia or moana