Irving's birth year
When is 2010?
Irving's favorite drink
What is Croca-Cola?
Irving's favorite video game
What is Minecraft?
The football club Irving follows
Who is Juventus FC?
The age Irving started playing football
When is the age of 5?
Irving's favorite restaurant
Where is Autogrill?
The instrument Irving plays
What is the violin?
Irving's childhood idol in football
Who is Giorgio Chiellini?
Irving's full name
What is Irving Boots Witeczek?
Irving's favorite movie
What is Giuseppe 3?
Irving's favorite school subject
What is ELA?
The first player on his favorite club (excluding Buffon) that Irving met
Who is Claudio Marchisio?
The club of Irving's first football shirt
Who is SG Zamitri?
Irving's favorite vacation spot
Where is Forte dei Marmi?
Irving's favorite type of show
What is anime?
The league Irving said he would find most challenging
What is La Liga?
The year Irving created his YouTube channel
When is 2017?
Irving's favorite sauce
What is tartar sauce?
Irving's secret passion
What is plants?
Irving's second favorite club