What is Kaitlyn's favorite food (you can either do cuisine or specific item)
Cuisine: Asian/Chinese
Specific Item: Wings
Who was Kaitlyn's first friend?
Ava Kraft
What teachers did Kaitlyn go to Germany with?
Ms. Baker and Mrs. Grim
Where is Kaitlyn going this Summer?
Spain and Morocco
What does Kaitlyn want to be/do when I grow up (be specific)
Business lawyer and business owner!
What is Kaitlyn's favorite band?
The Lumineers
What were the (specific) stuffed animals Kaitlyn used to carry around 24/7?
The Care Bears Sunshine bear and Wish bear OF COURSE
What place did Kaitlyn graduate in her class?
What day of the week does Kaitlyn work at Creation?
Thursday :p
What is Kaitlyn's dream travel destination?
Who is Kaitlyn's favorite Friends character?
Chandler duh
Name of Kaitlyn's first competitive dance?
Poor Unfortunate Souls (Potential partial points awarded for the Little Mermaid)
Name 5 clubs/activites Kaitlyn was part of in Highschool
Options: BeNice/Bluejay Wellness, Rotary, History Club, Science Club, Student Council, German Exchange, National Honors Society, BPA, Golf, DDD.
What is the name of Kaitlyn's new best friend
SAWYER (shoutout) (her birthday was yesterday) (twinflames)
What was Kaitlyn's number 1 listened to artist on Spotify wrapped this past year?
Josiah Queen
What is Kaitlyn's favorite movie?
The Breakfast Club
What was Kaitlyn's middle school youtube obsession?
2 accepted answers
Logan Paul's Logan
Minecraft YouTubers
How many years did Kaitlyn dance and what year/grade did she quit?
12 years, quit after sophomore year
What is Kaitlyn's Major AND Minors?
Ent. Major and Public Law and Legal Studies minors
What is Kaitlyn's golf PR?
52 D:
1: Creation: 20 oz iced carmel coconut latte extra sweet with oat milk
2: Starbucks: the iced holiday carmel brulee latte
What was the name of Kaitlyn's first musical character in middle school?
BONUS POINTS if you can name the other 2 people in our villian squad (their real life names)
Polly Popper
Luke Morey and Lindsey Russel
What song was Kaitlyn's duo with Maggie to?
BONUS POINTS: What place did they place at comp
Copycat by Billie Eilish
5th overall!!... out of 5 duos...
What are all of the clubs Kaitlyn is currently a part of?
Bonus points for regular volunteer activiessss
Delight, UNiTE, Society of Women in Business, and Business Honors Society
BONUS: Kids Hope, Community Kids, and Leadership Safari
What was Kaitlyn's fish's name that just died :(