Who is on my lockscreen?
Sophia (tortilla)
When is my actual birthday?
August 17th
What sports do I play/do?
Swimming and Volleyball
Who's my favorite Youtuber?
Laurenzside OR GeminiTay
wHeRe ShOuLd I pUt My ShOeS, mI aMoR mI aMoR?
pUt ThEm On YoUr HeAd!
Which of you have I known the longest?
What are my siblings names?
Emma, Lee, and Wade
What instrument do I play.
What is my favorite season?
What did I help Arabella with in 5th grade?
Who, in this room, has the closest birthday to me?
Where did I live before Cary?
What is the only club i've ever done in Middle School?
Culinary Club
What's my favorite soda?
What did Caroline, Arabella, Emilie, and I make during recess every day in 5th grade?
Fairy houses
Which of you did I last text(4:00 pm)?
Where was I born?
What crafts did I make and hand out in 5th grade? (There's two)
Loom Braclets and Stickers
What's my favorite food?
Chicken Alfredo
Whats my most popular nickname?
How many of you, in this room, do I have a contact name for you that is not your actual name?
What time was I born? (Closest Wins)
8:56 P.M.
What form of art(painting, drawing, etc.) do I enjoy the most?
Who is my favorite teacher/staff member at school?
Ms. Stone
Who arrived 4th to this party?
ENter here