What is my fav color
What is my favorite thing to play
What is my favorite food
Why is my favorite color gold?
Because my name means gold Hill
Where do I like to shop?
Who is my fav person
God,Holy Spirit,Jesus
What is my second favorite color
What is my favorite side for food?
French fries
Why did I make this jeopardy?
It’s my birthday
How many guitars do we have in this house?
What is my fav book series
Wings of fire
What is my favorite movie
Wings of fire movie
What is my favorite dessert?
Ice cream cake
What is my new favorite animal?
Pika or stingray
What are my dogs names?
Charlie and Evie
What is my favorite thing to do
Draw or read Wings of fire
what is my favorite book in the Bible
What is my favorite piece candy?
KitKat or mint things
How many dogs do I have?
What is my favorite subject in school?
What is my favorite book
The lost pup
What is my favorite scent
Vanilla Noel
What is my favorite type of ice cream?
Cookies and cream
How many dogs do I want when I grow up?
Three Dutch puppies
What is my favorite snack?
Pretzel crisp or salt and vinegar chips