Sarahn means...
What is "Joy"?
Sarahn’s Favorite Colors:
1)Black, 2)Yellow, 3)Purple, 4)Green, 5)Pink, 6)Brown
What is "3)Purple and 5)Pink"?
What is "7"?
I met this celebrity, my favorite singer, when I was 10 years old
Who is "Beyonce"?
My address growing up...
What is "5011 Pine"?
My Favorite Holiday
What is "Thanksgiving"?
Things Sarahn ALWAYS does:
1)Talks to herself, 2)cuts all the lights out, 3)buy books online, 4)blasts music in the car, 5) wears a seatbelt 6)multi-tasks
What is "2)cuts all the lights out and 4)blasts music in the car"?
What is "11:09"?
I picked up this minor, my sophomore year of college
What is "Journalism"?
My familial roots are in this state
My favorite book
What is "The Alchemist"?
Sarahn’s Favorite Movies:
1)Step Brothers, 2)Parent Trap, 3)The Shawshank Redemption, 4)Mean Girls, 5)The Dark Knight, 6)Love & Basketball
What is " 1)Step Brothers and 5)The Dark Knight"?
The age I lost my virginity
What is "16"?
I worked for this cosmetics store after graduating college
What is "LUSH"?
My Education: Elementary School, Middle School, High School, Undergrad, Grad School... Name all 5!
What is "Samuel Powel, Julia R. Masterman, Central, Loyola Marymount, Bryn Mawr"?
My favorite food
What is "Sushi"?
Things Sarahn Hates:
1)Northeast Philly, 2)Mayonnaise, 3)Pickles, 4)Running the Stop Sign, 5)Rain, 6)Passive/Aggressiveness
What is "2)Mayonnaise and 5)Rain"?
The year I started Sarahn Says
What is "2014"?
I got a full ride to this HBCU but turned it down to go to LMU
What is "Howard University"?
In college I studied abroad in 3 countries. Name all 3.
What is "The UK, Ghana and Bolivia"?
My mom, dad, and 2 brothers names
What is " Malyka, Zahmu, Zahir and Johari?"
Sarahn’s Go To Wind-Down Activities:
1)Wine, 2)Stretching, 3)Smoking, 4)Reading, 5)Napping, 6)Dancing
What is "3)Smoking and 5)Napping?"
The number of surgeries I’ve had (all minor)
What is "4"?
In the zodiac, my sun sign is Scorpio, my moon sign is in Aquarius. My rising sign is in what?
The location of my Birthmark
What is "Your Back"?