shika's fav food group
what is fruit?
shika's fav class she has ever taken
what is ceramics?
shika's fav color
what is lavender?
shika's middle name
what is ?
shika's fav animal
what are monkeys?
the year shika moved to AZ
what is 2013?
shika's least fav class she has ever taken
what is APUSH?
shika's fav time of day
what is sunset/golden hour?
shika's halloween costume this year
Who is Big Pookie (Prayag Mishra)?
the hot pink instrument shika has but does not know how to play
what is guitar?
what is champion?
shika's fav show
what is masterchef india?
the high school course that shika skipped on accident
what is geometry?
What is magenta?
the song shika had as her alarm for a long time
what is chammak challo?
what is B?
shika's fav type of tree
what is cherry blossom?
shika performed a dance here in march
what is the Suns game?
shika's tiktok username
what is shiks.on.fleek?
the wii game that shika played most as a child
what is just dance?
shika's parking spot number
what is 205?
shika's fav singer
Who is arijit singh?
the Bollywood celebrity shika met a few weeks ago
Who is Omi Vedya (guy from 3 idiots)?
what does shika collect in a box in her room
what are wristbands?