What subject did Zaida teach?
What is Math and Physics?
How many siblings does Zaida have?
What is 3?
What is Zaida's favourite dinner?
What is Steak?
Who is really allergic to fish?
What is Zaida?
Which university did Zaida attend?
What is McGill?
Where was Zaida born?
What is MTL?
What is Zaida's favourite dessert?
What is Pecan Pie?
What year did they get married?
What is 1988?
How old was Zaida when he started university?
What is 16?
What is Zaida's favourite hockey team?
What are Montreal Canadiens?
What is Zaida's food weakness?
What is chocolate?
How long have they been married for?
What is 36 years?
Which club did Zaida coach?
What is the golf club?
Does Zaida drink alcohol?
What is no?
What does Zaida drink the most?
What is coffee?
Which is louder Zaida snoring or Savta's singing?
What is both are the winner?
Who did Zaida admire most?
What is Sam(Zaida's dad)?
Does Zaida like sweater vests?
What is YES?
Which type of bagel are his favourite?
What are MTL bagels?
What is their favourite date night?
What is the casino?