Who owns Pear Incorporated?
Stephen Chen
Where is this company ranked in Classroom Economics?
Last place
Why is this company so influential?
It is part of FruitBowl.
What does SOTRE produce?
Games and credit cards
What is Pear inc's most recent product?
iLet Office 4
Who owns IA?
Avian Wadwha
Why is IV famous?
It is the second-best P-electronic company.
How much is stock expected to increase?
41.2% tommorow
What is Pear, inc's parent company?
Why did Imax and IA split up?
IA ripped the contract and the heads of the companies constantly argued.
How much is stock expected to increase with IV?
40% on Saturday.
Where is this company ranked in Classroom Economics?
#1, with Pear Inc.
When was Pear, inc founded?
Where is this headquartered?
Where is IV ranked in Classroom Economics?
#2, behind FruitBowl, inc.
Who is the founder of this company?
Eva Sardesai
What does EFA mean?
Electronic Fruitbowl Account
What is IA's biggest competitor?
Who owns IV?
Reyansh Choudary
Which company parents this one?